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October 1, 2018

Report on Women’s Health Institute Lecture, “Female Athlete and Concussion” AND My Observations on The Birthing of Medical Research. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) October 1, 2018 by Calvin Schwartz

Report on Women’s Health Institute Lecture, “Female Athlete and Concussion” AND My Observations on The Birthing of Medical Research. Robert Wood Johnson University  Hospital (RWJUH)  October 1, 2018  by Calvin Schwartz  



Lecture attendees at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital 9-26-18







John Gantner, CEO RWJUH, Katherine Holmes, researcher, Olympic fencer, Dr. Annegret Dettwiler, Princeton University, & Dr Gloria Bachmann, Director Womens Health Institute

What motivated this reporter to want to attend a clinical lecture (Wednesday September 26th 2018) on concussions in the clinical setting of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH)? A plethora of inducements. A month ago, I was appointed to the Advisory Committee of the Women’s Health Institute at Rutgers RWJ (a long story) so I need to expand horizons, grasps, cerebral focus. I love college sports, both genders, and my alma mater, Rutgers, but I worry about athletes, concussions and long-term health concerns. Today there is a significant reduction in youth playing football; worries of health concerns, concussions. High schools are giving up football for lack of interest. Beginnings of grass roots disinterest?  Then, there was the researcher, scientist, recent Princeton neuro-science graduate, AND Olympic Athlete (2016), TEAM USA Fencing Team, anticipating 2020 Olympics, Katherine Holmes, who was conducting the lecture along with her Princeton University mentor, Dr. Annegret Dettwiler.  Indeed, the best of all worlds for me to be there.





John Gantner & Katherine Holmes (pre lecture) sword/fencing demonstration


Fencing equipment

I took ten pages of notes. I’m not about to plunge into the world of neuro-science, the female athlete and concussion and why females respond differently (less severity, a built-in protection?) to concussion. Perhaps hormonal and I’ll leave it at that.

Cut to the beginning when Katherine Holmes talked fencing with John Gantner, President and Chief Executive Officer of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) in New Brunswick. Katherine (Kat) trains eight hours a day for the Olympics where fencing was one of the first sports to be included. Gantner asked if she had a sword with her. Moments later, a complete demonstration with equipment, including the helmet which is actually bullet proof. Kat competes in Eppe fencing, where you can hit the opponent anywhere on the body. Gantner delighted me, when he asked practical considerations like travelling on airplanes with equipment (swords). Things you don’t ponder.

The lecture was organized by Dr. Gloria Bachmann, Director of Women’s Health Institute and attended by a few dozen physicians, scientists, professors, Middlesex County Arts & History, Diversity and Inclusion Leader, Rutgers Targum reporter, and NJ Discover(me). The scope, depth, breadth of the research undertaken by Kat Holmes is overwhelming for me (with a six-year Rutgers Pharmacy education), but I hung in there, understanding the critical nature of concussions and impact on society, including all sports, our culture, sociology and general well-being.



Katherine lecturing


post lecture clinical research discussion Indeed the “Birth of a Research Project on Concussions”

Hours end, most physicians had patients, rounds and an operation. A small group with Dr. Bachmann, Katherine and Dr. Dettwiler and several pre-eminent physician/researchers re-convened to talk about advancing the concussion research that was presented. I hung around, fascinated, privileged, intrigued, inspired and hugely silent, just absorbing. The bright bulb (epiphany) went off. I was witnessing the ‘Birth of a Research Project on Concussions’. The scientists at this Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School could work together with Kat and Dr. Dettwiler.

For me this was all thrilling. To be at the beginning, a conception, implementation, practical applications; all aspects of rounding up the troops to undertake such integral research. Questions floated that I understood; subject pool, trauma registry, starting points, data available, queries, time frames, feasibility, prospective, data base. I loved listening to the input, construction, thought processes. The incredible minds and experience sitting at the table.  For me, at the end point, results down the road; a better understanding, treatment, prevention of concussions for women and men athletes, general populations. And way down the road, so I day dreamed a bit, when perhaps the NY Giants Football team beginning at training camp, in August,  would roll up their sleeves for some preventive medicine, so concussions would not be as relevant. Research is a wonderful thing.

Why I was there?  To dream, understand, to get out of the house, away from the TV and computer and absorb just a piece of the world. In summation, today, a three-letter word; WOW!


August 27, 2018

Murray: My Moments with a Holocaust Survivor by Calvin Schwartz August 28, 2018

Murray: My Moments with a Holocaust Survivor by Calvin Schwartz August 28, 2018


Murray Goldfinger













Interviewing Murray in January


The title has ‘moments’ because there  just wasn’t enough time with Murray Goldfinger. The last seven years as a journalist, novelist, broadcaster at NJ Discover afforded a myriad of opportunities to meet an endless array of memorable, fascinating people. Murray was instantly indelible, unforgettable, heart-wrenching, precious, and hauntingly special. The day we met in January, I brought my wife on the interview because her father, like Murray, was born in Poland before THE war.

Backtrack; how did I get to Murray? Last October, 2017 at a Rutgers football tailgate with my son Neil, Professor Deborah Shuford introduced me as a journalist to several people. A woman mentioned, “You should interview my father, Murray, 91, a holocaust survivor with an amazing story. He still lectures at schools, churches, synagogues.” Something was inside me. A few days later, I began the process to meet Murray. Not easy. He’s busy. Several appointments made, cancelled, doctored, snowed and iced out. Suddenly, it’s January.

A cold late afternoon in Monroe, New Jersey; a vast land of senior citizen developments, homes, cold empty golf courses; Murray opens the door. We’re greeted by a tall, white haired, somewhat frail smiling man with this twinkle in his eye. The twinkle lasted for nearly three hours, briefly interrupted by a few tears and apologies for such. How can I accurately describe the feeling of sitting down next to him, and listening to the horrors of his life experiences in the Holocaust; losing his eight brothers and sisters, parents and grandfather, all murdered by the Nazi’s, yet, at the appropriate times of our talk, he was filled with warmth, love, twinkling eyes, reverence, gratitude and unlimited pride when it came to talking about his family.



Murray addressing a school assembly

My wife and I talked in the car all the way home; how Murray resonated, filled our senses with something unfelt before. A special loving sensitive brilliant gentle man, human; a great representative of our species. Now for elements of his life. There is so much out there on Google, You Tube, internet for you all to avail. My job here is to capture essences that moved me.

The town where he was from in Poland; his family had lived there for over 350 years. Just four Jewish families. Always anti-Semitism there. The Germans arrived when Murray was 13. No one expected things to get bad. In March, 1940, his family was forced to leave their home and move to another town where there was a restricted area. “At age 13, I was supposed to wear an armband, but I didn’t. I didn’t look Jewish…. then once, Germans were looking for me, so I hid in a tree.”

“From April and May, 1942, the Gestapo went on a shooting spree, killing Jews where ever they found them. One Gestapo went into a house with a woman and little baby. He started to cry. It must’ve reminded him about his home. He didn’t shoot them. His superior came in and asked why he didn’t shoot them. He said, “I can’t.” His superior said, “Either you do or I shoot you.” So, he gave him his gun thinking it was a joke. The Gestapo shot him.”

Murray spoke eloquently, looking warmly at my wife and me; both of us, frozen, staid, in disbelief what we were hearing. It’s not everyday you hear these things first person. Reality brings on some dizziness and wonderment. Why does Murray do this? We’d learn a few hours later how and why.

The past story reminded Murray of the time a child was crying from hunger to his mother. “A Nazi reached to give the child a candy bar, then shot him.”




Murray finished lecturing at another high school assembly

In 1943, he was taken to a labor camp. “Thousands of people were dragging luggage. The Germans were smart because they knew the Jews would take valuable things. Once on the train, the Germans took it all away.” His next sentence shook me as in riveting. “It was the first time I saw murders and shootings. Torture is worse than death…. 35,000 people were put on trains…. I saw my uncle and his wife march away.”

When he was shipped to Lipia work camp, he cried from joy, still living. “There was a man like Schindler (Schindler’s List) who saved a hundred Jews by using them to work…. My uncle and zeyde (grandfather) were in a camp. It was too far to ship all of them so the Germans killed them right there…. I went back there a few years ago to pay my respects. I lit candles and said kaddish (a memorial prayer).”  Murray was teary talking to us then composed. We were teary listening, wondering how he is able to talk to us.

“My brother escaped from a camp, was caught and executed.” Next, Murray got up and prepared the table for coffee and a snack. His housekeeper, European, made homemade blintzes with sour cream; an outrageous snack and embarrassingly, my wife and I almost finished the plate; the rest brown-bagged for the 20-minute trip home. By the third red light on the way home, I finished the bag of blintzes.

“I’ll tell you both something. The saddest thing in my life was seeing the people in the barracks when I arrived. There were 50 people, all skeletons, who probably wouldn’t live another day. A German said to me, “You’re going to look like this in five weeks. Remember my words.” I remember looking at the smoke from the chimneys. I would never forget this. I actually thought that they are better off than me. Their torture is over. Mine is beginning…. I became numb, but again, I was lucky and sent to a coal mine.”

Looking back, this next segment blew me away, beyond words and emotions, leading me to realize that there is a destiny, a reason to believe, a spirit, an element that our species just doesn’t understand, no matter how technical and advanced we think we are.

Murray was working in the coal mine and broke his shovel. A German officer accused him of sabotage, took a gun to his head to execute him. Somehow the bullet missed a direct head hit, caught part of his shoulder, but he was able to get up. A few days later, he got a terrible infection, 106-degree temperature.  At the camp hospital, they never bothered to treat Jews and rarely, if they did operations, it was always without anesthesia.

“The prison doctor was Polish and the biggest Jew hater. He came to me and said, “You don’t look Jewish. I’m going to help you. Don’t worry.” Of course, I had nothing to lose.”



A reminder of the Death Walk

The next day, Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the ‘Angel of Death,’ one of the most evil, murderous Nazi’s who conducted horrible experiments on prisoners, beyond comprehension, came to see Murray who never looked Jewish. “He asked me what happened. I told him a rock fell on me. The Polish doctor told Mengele that I had an important job in the coal mine. Mengele examined me. Of course, I had never heard of him. Later, I found out, he was in charge of who lived and died.”

Murray asked if I saw Schindler’s List. I said a few times. “Remember Amon Goeth?” He was played by Ralph Fiennes; Goeth used Jews as target practice from his balcony. “He used to drive by me in his Mercedes.” In 1945, Murray was in the death march, in cold and snow, for days, without food, on the way to Buchenwald. Along the way, someone threw him a piece of roast beef, which sustained him. Most people died. Finally, at Buchenwald, Murray, one of the few remaining survivors, was liberated on April 11, 1945 by the Americans. He told me that he met General Patton, and while talking to him, an American military officer came in, and said they had gathered 250 German officers. “Patton told him to do a good job. Later, the officer came back and said almost all the Germans were now killed.”

I asked Murray how he survived, remembering Viktor Frankl, also a Holocaust survivor, psychiatrist and author of bestselling book, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ dealing with his surviving Auschwitz.  Murray’s eyes stopped twinkling, watery for a brief second. “I always prayed to my mother.”

Time was late. We had talked for hours. His energy and passion seemed limitless. This was my journalistic winding down period. “Murray, why are you so passionate, continue to lecture, travel, talk so much about the Holocaust?” His remark reminded me of one of my favorite quotes of all time, from philosopher George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”

Murray said, “If you forget the past, you forget everything and what people died for. There are people who want to deny the holocaust. Oh, and my biggest accomplishment, taking my three daughters to Poland.”



Interview (moments) finished

We did some photo-ops, a hug and a promise to come back. Those hours with Murray changed me. Hard to explain. I thought about him often in the weeks that followed. Spoke to two of his daughters, Susan and Linda and began formulating, structuring an NJ Discover TV Show featuring Murray (and stories about his beloved family, wife, and American life) and actually, another guest, a wonderful, accomplished Latino singer, song-writer, ¼ finalist on The Voice, Manny Cabo, a victim of hate, prejudice who also speaks out against bullying. This show was coming to life. Then a few delays, postponements, trips. Murray was excited about doing this TV Show; always looking to tell his story so its never forgotten.  Then Murray had some health issues. Then some NJ Discover production delays.

There are lessons I keep learning about life. Seize the moment. Life is too precious, fleeting. I never talked to my grandmothers about their coming to America for freedom. Just never made the time. It didn’t seem urgent. Finally, we targeted early August to do our NJ Discover TV interview with Murray. Linda messaged me that he smiled when she told him.


On August 5, 2018, my wife and I went to Murray Goldfinger’s funeral service. I will never be quite the same; enriched, saddened, and grateful for moments.


Calvin Schwartz   8-28-18 Holocaust


June 14, 2018

My Day at Damon House, New Brunswick: Since 1974, a long term Residential Rehab for Individuals with Addictions. A MUST Read. By Calvin Schwartz June 15, 2018 | addiction

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , , , — earthood @ 10:20 pm

 My Day at Damon House, New Brunswick: Since 1974, a long term Residential Rehab for Individuals with Addictions. A MUST Read.  By Calvin Schwartz  June 15, 2018













with Adminstration Team of Damon House


with Executive Director Ileen Bradley


Many of my articles, interviews, discoveries, begin far (geographic or intent) from the source. My day at Damon House a perfect example. Six weeks ago, I was at the Stress Factory in New Brunswick to see the showing of a John Hulme film, ‘Blood Sweat & Tears: A Basketball Exorcism.’ Several of the New Brunswick High School basketball team from 1987, from Hulme’s documentary, were there including James Jackson. Just after a group picture, James and I talked. He is an Outreach Liaison at Damon House. I’m a journalist for NJ Discover. Done deal.

In the weeks before, I researched like a model journalist. Damon House in New Brunswick has been around since 1974, serving people with addictions. The building itself, an old armory, built in 1914, is owned by the city of New Brunswick and leased to Damon House. What moved me to want to do this interview is the fact that no person has ever been turned away because of their financial status or inability to pay. That is a wow. Funny thing, I’m around New Brunswick often and I never knew about Damon House. Indeed, an inadvertent best kept secret. I’m a journalist, promulgator. That’s why this article. Hope is that when this is read, some fires are lit. Help. Support. Recognition. All needed.




Dining Hall

James brought me into the conference room in the next-door building. I met the administrative team. Ileen Bradley, Executive Director. James Johansen, Director of Program Services. Paul Hoffer, Clinical Director. Tim Miller, Clinical Supervisor. (also, a former executive at NBC-Universal) And we talked for hours. I’m overwhelmed with information and exuberance.

Every journey begins with a first step. I asked about the building; constantly being refurbished. Way back, unions helped doing work pro-bono. Damon House maintains 64 clients (patients, residents) and are a long-term facility doing counseling supported by a therapeutic milieu including cognitive therapy, behavior modification, motivational counseling, psychotherapy and guided group principles. Teaching individuals coping skills and dealing with peer pressure under the guidance of credentialed staff with extensive life experience. They teach many practical skills ranging from cooking, budgeting because addicted people lived on the outer fringes and need life lessons. A renowned poet, Glenis Redmond, even came to read poetry and conduct three workshops for the residents; some wrote their own poetry as a result. Ages of residents range from 18 to 60.





Group Community Outing

And the clients, residents. It was explained that some started using drugs at 11 or 12 and are dealing now with maturation issues. Translated, it could mean at 40 years old, their thought process could be like a 15-year-old. Issues of re-parenting extant. James Johansen added, “When they leave us, we want them to be completely ready for the outside…. When here, they’re pretty broken…. If they can make it at Damon, they can make it anywhere.”

I was curious where the name Damon came from. Ileen Bradley smiled and asked if I knew about Damon and Pythias. I smiled back. “Just the other day, researching, I discovered their story. Two friends, so loyal, they would give their lives for each other.” Ileen added, “If we ever open up another facility, it would be called Pythias House.”

Most clients come from the criminal justice system; demonstrative that nobody wants them. I asked about what really mattered to me; funding. Ileen spoke. “There is funding from the Federal government which goes to the states, and Department of Health, Division of Mental Health, Addiction Services…. Through the drug courts…. Mutual Agreement Program…. State Parole Board…. Then also if a client is eligible, Medicaid….”

Their food bill is over $100,000 a year. They have a relationship with the Community Food Bank in Hillside. I spouted the haunting statistic that in 1980 there were 40 food bank/pantries. Today there are 40,000. Shop Rite and BJ’s Club in Flemington helps on Fridays. They also get product donations.



with James Jackson whom I met at a Basketball Documentary Premiere and C Wiest

Additionally, they have a wonderful working relationship with the Salvation Army just across the street who were instrumental as community partners in getting everything on client’s kids toy wish list at holiday time.  Damon House also works with the Hub Teen Center which includes indoor recreation and movies for clients on Friday mornings. With Rutgers nearby, there is a high level of community involvement, right down to working on Rutgers Big Chill and helping with a race, soap box derby. To continue to help prepare and develop client’s lives.

James Jackson also works with Outreach Marketing. “We work with Vinnie Brand from the Stress Factory in New Brunswick who has helped with fund raising. The first event brought over 200 people.”

Paul Hoffer, Clinical Director described their High Intensity Residential Status. “We stress nutrition, meditation with a Monk, Yoga, and a complete holistic approach.”





Dorm Resident Room

Damon House and Rutgers University have collaborated on various projects. Third year medical students come for five-week rotations where they have an opportunity to learn about addiction. Damon House developed a 4th year medical student elective with other programs and the Psychiatry department where these students spend time in several levels of care in working with addiction. They work with the MSW/ACT program providing one-year internships for students interested in working with individuals suffering from addiction.  There are several other programs that they continue to work together with graduate level students to assist in professional development.

Ileen added, “We are client centered, so we even deal with vision, eyeglasses, dentists and have a legal department to help…. We are full service…. With a family therapist here…. Covering the whole state of New Jersey…. Fitness, food, nutrition, exercise part of our program.” Mind and body is stressed so clients feel good about themselves without drugs or alcohol.

I asked about the percent of clients who finish the six-month program. Once the clients transition from orientation those individuals tend to complete the program and it is very high. Those that complete the program have done everything to move to the next phase. Damon House is a place where they can put life back in order for no cost. How precious, rare and special that is. There was palpable genuine energy and caring sitting around the conference table. I find the transference of particulates of energy fascinating. Tim Miller, Clinical Supervisor, looked at me and I at him. It had to be simultaneous. He asked if I’d like to speak to the clients on things that I do well; networking, reinventing, selling, communicating and spirituality. My answer immediate and enthusiastic. “I’d love to.”  So down the yellow brick road, I’ll have more to write about. My experiences with the resident clients.

Next up, with James Jackson was a complete tour of the facility. From the dorm style rooms, to laundry (individually washed), new showers, barber chair, kitchen, dining room, lounge, gardens outside and new flag flying, waiting for the Fire Department to paint the pole. Indeed, thorough.

Final stop was Tim’s office to view promo films. Then he asked if I’d like to talk to a special resident, recently released from jail to Damon. “Absolutely.” For me a highlight of the day to interact and talk with a client. I was thrilled.



Joe V. A fascinating , emotional, eloquent story

Enter Joe V.  At intake in jail, he was told by an inmate how bad Damon was. “He told me they make you work, sit in corners. So, I didn’t want to come here. Thinking about it, kept me up at night. I was in county for four months. I pleaded with the judge for 45 minutes. And it was all based on hearsay. The judge asked me where I was getting my information. People who were there, I answered. The judge told me I was listening to the wrong people. I told the judge to give me my prison bed. He got really angry. My lawyer from drug court said things may be better at Damon. Counselors tried to talk me into. My family and fiancé checked things out on the computer. They researched other drug rehabs and told me that Damon House had a great program, it’s tough but changes lives. So, I came here. And I am so happy that I did. It’s the first meaningful program.”

I was so blown away by Joe’s eloquence, sensitivity and insight. I told him so. What a special person. I said my goodbyes to James and the staff. Curious, walking down the red cement steps, I felt just a bit elevated, like six inches higher. I’d been to a place of something of value. Then a thought popped into my head how I’d end this article. Pete Seeger, the great folksinger, on stage in a concert, was introducing the song, ‘We Shall Overcome,’ one of my all-time favorites. Pete said, (and I remember his words exactly) “If you want to get out of a pessimistic mood, go out and help someone (down in Birmingham, Alabama)” In small steps, I think my day was all about that.  Now here’s the website link. Enough said.



Calvin Schwartz  6-14-18   addiction


May 23, 2018

Meet STEPHANIE ANGEL from Angelight Films. An ‘Angel’ who gives Children with Brain Tumors the Opportunity to Shine by Co-creating Their Own Short Film. You need to READ this. By Calvin Schwartz May 23, 2018

 Meet STEPHANIE ANGEL from Angelight Films. An ‘Angel’ who gives Children with Brain Tumors the Opportunity to Shine by Co-creating Their Own Short Film. You need to READ this.  By Calvin Schwartz   May 23, 2018








with Stephanie Angel pre-interview


An integral part of this story is how I met Stephanie. In keeping with the ‘film’ motif of the title, throw in my usual ‘cast of characters,’ synchronicity and a red Rutgers hat (branding), and a scene at the recent Garden State Film Festival in Asbury Park. Action was opening night gala cocktail party for filmmakers, actors, actresses, media and the usual suspects. Me in my Rutgers hat and camera doing my thing for Artist Nation TV, a division of NJ Discover. A woman walks over, initiates a conversation mentioning Angelight Films, the recipient of the 2018 Garden State Film Festival Broader Vision Award for Filmmaking Dedicated to the Greater Good. Synchronicity extant in that Stephanie walked over randomly, was featured recently by HoopLaHa for her work. The plot formed. I had to do a story.




Stephanie at an Award Dinner


from film ‘The Kyle Show’ check website.


Yesterday. Stephanie and I sat down and talked for nearly three hours. To prepare, I watched most of Angelight short films that the children with brain tumors co-created. It is their self-expression, determination and hope that Stephanie captures for them personally and for sharing and for posterity. The concept of giving, caring and working with these special children and families is ‘beyond words’; my highest praise statement.

To date she has done 12 films. Check the website and come back.





with Sterling Bachman, co-creator of ‘Sterling’s Special Love Holds’


with ‘Dive Deep’ co-creator Kira Corning & Saphira Michaels. Full video available at Angelight website

The energy for Angelight emanated when Stephanie’s sister Ilana, five, died of brain cancer.  Stephanie was seven. In Ilana’s memory, her parents began the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation. I asked her when the vision, that certain something arrived, to do this Angelight work. “Ilana’s birthday is April 10. It was on what would’ve been her sixth birthday that I lit a candle on a cupcake. Something spiritual happened. I felt my sister’s presence. Inspiration to do something meaningful was all there…. Years later, when speaking with the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation social worker, I thought I wanted to make films for children with brain tumors, and then had the thought, no they need to make the films because we have so much to learn from their wisdom.”





with three co-creators of films, all available on Angelight website.


from video ‘David’s Miracle’ also available on website.

An enormous amount of energy sat at the table with us while we talked. So much on my mind.  I fired away. “What is the process of making a film with a child with a brain tumor?”

“First there is an initial meeting with the children; they must want to do this. There are three to four meetings developing the film idea and finally the locations…. Usually it is a one to three-day shoot…. The editing process can be a few months…. Ultimately leading to a private screening and finally the child gets the film.”

Stephanie mentioned one of her child filmmakers, Kyle, who created, “The Kyle Show” which I watched. Kyle poignantly said, “I do what I have to do everyday and get it done. I decided it’s (tumor) not coming back again.”  My point in mentioning this is the observation how special, smart, introspective and upbeat all these children are. The content for all Angelight films is such that it should be watched by other children and adults for perspective on life as delivered by special children. Key word here; perspective. These films are a therapy. What blew me away, was when I asked about the children in the films. I tip-toed around the question, how they are doing today, as if I didn’t want to ask or hear the answer. I was afraid.



Stephanie filming on location


on location

“All 12 of the children are still here today. I started in 2009.” My mind was spinning with realities, probabilities, exigencies and wonderment. Was this film project a kind of therapy in itself, instilling purpose, hope, vision, determination? Stephanie added, “The most fun part for me is there is no agenda. It’s what the children want to do on their own…. Not necessarily about their illness, but what they want to portray, express, imagine and convey.” I noted seeing children dancing, playing the piano, performing comedy, flying to Coney Island, volunteering in an animal shelter, playing sports.

I asked, “How do you find kids for the film project?”  “Mostly through social workers at the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation…. I focus on the positive and shift that focus to creating.”

I raised my voice, “Stop. Let’s talk about the rest of your career and how you arrived so competent, experienced.”  “I’m a Script Supervisor on ‘The Blacklist’…. I did all of Season Three. I started this career as a freelance Script Supervisor in 2003…. I work with the director to make sure all actors say their lines correctly…. I am responsible for continuity, write up all notes for the director, work with hair and makeup for continuity, keep track, time the show, bring up issues and create time of day.”  My wife, sitting next, absorbing, took a deep exclamation breath. The Blacklist is her favorite show. Stephanie has also worked on commercials and feature films.  Her dream is to segue into directing as she does for Angelight.



from film ‘Duane The Great’ available on website


from ‘Interview with Lily’

She grew up in Scarsdale, Westchester and attended Muhlenberg College. It was there on a college rafting trip down the Lehigh River (I did the same rafting trip a few years go) where she met her husband.

“And what about funds, financing for Angelight?” “Newman’s Own gave us a grant. That’s Paul Newman’s food/charity. We exist on private donations.” Those reading this article, absorbing, caring, feeling, checking out the website, seeing the work done by Angelight, donations are a wonderful thing.  Enough said.

Stephanie mentioned transitioning into directing and a recent project, ‘Better Together,’ a short film on bringing two generations together, working and teaching each other. Of course, I watched prior to writing this. Her directing is pure art, sensitive and engaging.




from ‘Fashion Within’


from ‘Melanie the Dancer’

“How was Angelight born?” “The idea just came up to let kids make films…. Sometimes people would ask me how do I get through the shoot, isn’t it sad? But the children are so optimistic, they inspire me to stay positive and focus on creating.”

It was time to go light and fun. I asked, “Living or dead, who would you like to have dinner with?” I caught her off guard but wanted a certain touch to this article. “My sister, Ilana.”

“Five things in life that you can’t live without?” She smiled for a collection of amusing seconds. “Perspective, which is what Angelight gives me. Coffee. My family. My phone. My vision. In no particular order by the way.”

“Before I leave this earth, I won’t be satisfied until I ……………?” “Until Angelight films becomes all that it is meant to be. Reaches its full potential.” Then Stephanie suggested I see the Robin Williams movie, ‘What Dreams May Come’ which was precipitated by our back and forth, in between, bouncing around for three hours, comebacks, to segments on spirituality. We were replete with stories, some evoking goose-bumps, but probably not for further discussion herein.

Stephanie has been working on a book for a long time, called ‘Intumatic,’ a made-up term referring to when intuitions become automatic. Fascinating. I loved the idea.  We both wanted to close “this script” with Angelight references. She proudly added, “Once I made ten films to see if it works, now I know it works and I want to expand it to its fullest potential.”  The End.

 Please check the website:           


Calvin Schwartz & Friend











April 15, 2018

A Rutgers Journalistic Journey to Women Awareness Events: What 15 Days in a Life Can Teach. By Calvin Schwartz April 16, 2018

A Rutgers Journalistic Journey to Women Awareness Events: What 15 Days in a Life Can Teach.  By Calvin Schwartz  April 16, 2018












Panel discussion at Rutgers Hate Symposium



with with Houshang Parsa, Allison Antwi (Douglas Residential College) Prof Deborah Shuford, Calvin Schwartz, Jac Toporek, Dr. Felicia McGinty, Vice Chancellor Rutgers Student Affairs at Symposium

I’ve had the hardest time (for the past two days) coming up with a title for this article. Usually titles are instantaneous for me. I need to make sure the title is understood. I’ve been privileged, with a little help from synchronicity, to have been present at special women’s events, which have fired my cerebral process, moved me up on the learning curves of awareness, sensitivity and knowledge.

Indeed, what an amazing 15 days; gifted to have absorbed, observed and learned. Cut to Tuesday March 27 at the Rutgers Business School for “A Presidential Symposium-Fighting Hate While Preserving Freedom: A Best Practices Forum.” The list of speakers beyond accomplished, from Jeh Johnson, Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Deborah Poritz, Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, Ronald K. Chen, Co-Dean Rutgers Law School, Mohammad Ali Chaudry, Co-Founder and President, Islamic Society of Basking Ridge, Rabbi Francine Roston, Kalispell, Montana, Imam Khalid Latif, Islamic Center at New York University, etc.

I sat for eight hours, taking notes, listening intently, dreaming of a time in the world, when hate is gone. We need to realize that we together are all that there is  to save our species. We’re all brothers and sisters on this insignificant speck of a planet in the middle of a complicated fragile universe and earth time is rapidly running out, passing the climatological and social tipping point.

“Mother, what did I learn in school today!” My NOTES from the symposium:  No one is born to hate. Love is natural. You can kill an enemy but not defeat an enemy. There is strength in diversity. New Jersey is the most diverse state; Rutgers the most diverse public university. Those who forget history are condemned to relive it. (I love that line from philosopher George Santayana).  Best weapons against hate is students and young people. Interfaith partnerships can help prevent expressions of hate. Why an uptake in hate? Is it because a decrease in funding for mental health? The opposite of hate is not love, but indifference.

I could fill several pages with my notes. Last paragraph was a brief extraction. What interested and annoyed, were two student hecklers, yelling and screaming just in front of me. I’m not even sure what they were protesting. A Rutgers official went over to talk to them. They continued their outbursts. At lunch break, I asked why they were not thrown out. An official replied, “First Amendment; they have a right to hate, protest and yell.” To which I smiled, replied, “La-di-dah.”



Hillary with scheduling secretary Lona Valmoro & Eagleton moderator Ruth Mandel


part of the audience for Conversation with Hillary Clinton

A few days later, on Thursday March 29th Hillary Clinton came to speak at Rutgers Athletic Center. The demand for tickets forced the change in venue from the old barn gym to the RAC. I love journalism, being with NJ Discover and wearing my press pass, sitting in the press box with a perfect view of the almost sold-out crowd, including gym floor seating. What I did notice right away was the demographics; it would appear in an unscientific visual appraisal that 80% of the audience were young women.

Hillary Clinton was there to empower young people, women, to go out, register, vote and change things. This was not a political conversation but charge to young people of all persuasions to be involved, vote and work to make a better world. “We all need to be talking about where the country is going.” She mentioned the challenge to convince women to get involved despite how hard it is but so well worth it. If you are new to politics, it’s easy to get discouraged. Biggest challenge is to keep momentum, build coalitions, but all for naught if you don’t show up and vote. She got a resounding applause when she said, “Missing John McCain’s voice which stands up for democracy.”



from my vantage point in the Press box for Hillary Clinton

A bit of a redundant epiphany. When I captioned a picture that I took of the event, and placed it on social media, almost immediately, a woman harshly commented on Hillary Clinton and my being there. I never respond to comments or engage anyone on social media. Wasted energy. I know our political world is dramatically polarized along party lines. No earthly power is changing red to blue or vice versa. So, I broke my rule and commented on her comment. “I’m a journalist covering an event which fascinated sociologically.” To which she responded, “Oh!”

A few days later, on April 3rd, I attended ‘The Douglass Century Book Launch’ at Douglass College Student Center. “Douglass was founded in 1918 as the New Jersey College for Women with 54 students and 12 books in its library.”  Indeed, it has grown to 2600 undergraduate students and over 39,000 alumni. Three Rutgers faculty/professors collaborated on ‘The Douglass Century- Transformation of The Women’s College at Rutgers University,’ Kayo Denda, Mary Hawkesworth and Fernanda Perrone. The event consisted of an Author’s Panel and Alumni and Faculty Panel discussions.  What an absolutely wonderful book!




The Douglass Century


Douglass Panel Discussion

Some themes of the night were how important women’s education, the history of Douglass and the New Jersey College for Women; how in 1915, there was a door to door campaign for $1.00 to raise $100, 000 to establish the school; how the school was not born diverse, with no Catholics, Jews, African-Americans under founder Mabel Douglass; how in 1968, 4% of the students were of color; how arguments surfaced, with Harvard philosophers, on the inappropriateness of educating women because of lower marriage rates of college educated women-all arguments against educating women; how CAWP at Eagleton is the first research institution for women in politics; how in 2017, 67% of Douglass women are of color, 8 %  non-traditional age, 19% Latin, 23% Asian. What are challenges now? In 1930’s, there were 2000 Women’s Colleges; now there are 34.

In a panel with Maurice(Mo) Lee Jr. who came to Douglass in 1966 and retired in 1996, he mentioned Professor Genovese at Rutgers New Brunswick, welcoming the impending victory of North Vietnam and Rutgers President Mason Gross not firing him. I immediately thought back to the symposium on Hate, and the students yelling and protesting and not being thrown out. The same First Amendment issues; a fascinating tie-in to last week.

In 1965, I reminisced, that I had a date with a Douglass student. We were sitting downstairs in the lounge at Katzenbach dorm just past 10PM when a Rutgers police officer escorted me out. The curfew was 10 PM. I’d witnessed history and how far I’ve come.

At the conclusion, I waited in line for the authors to sign my copy of their book along with two hundred or so women at the lecture. Demographics were 90% women. While in line, a woman asked why I was here, to which I smiled, and said, “I’m a journalist covering, learning, experiencing, growing.” To which she said, “Oh.”



with actor Armand Assante at Garden State Film Festival for Artist Nation TV and NJ Discover






Watch how this next part of the story develops. Back on Friday, March 23rd. I attended the Garden State Film Festival Cocktail Party and Opening night Gala. Two hundred people in Convention Hall; many filmmakers, actors, actresses, media. I was covering the event for Artist Nation TV and NJ Discover. I always wear my Rutgers hat; my personal branding.  A woman approached and asked if I was a Rutgers professor because of my hat. I responded immediately, “I wish and dream about that.” The woman was Dr. Gloria Bachmann, MD.

Dr. Bachmann is the Interim Chair in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a Professor of Medicine at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS), and the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service Chief at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Also, at RWJMS she is the Director of the Women’s Health Institute and the Associate Dean for Women’s Health. So, on Tuesday April 10th, I spent time at Dr. Bachmann’s Women’s Health Institute Meeting in New Brunswick with researchers and students. Again, in such short periods of interim time, my mind was expanded.



At the Women’s Health Institute with research team, students nd Dr Gloria Bachmann on Tuesday


with Dr Gloria Bachmann

I saw an animated film for children that they developed to explain, ever so gently, the topic of transgender. There were also discussions on female athletes (minimizing effects of injury), herbs and their mechanics, autism, One Health Initiative (Humans, Animals, Environment) cancer and aquariums. Of course, my passion in all of the above learning curves and observations is how much Rutgers is doing academically, clinically, sociologically and how NJ Discover’s platform can help tell their story, shout it out here in Central Jersey and beyond. On Monday April 16th I’ll be at a lecture on transgenders in the military. There are 1.4 million transgendered Americans.

It is a brave new synchronistic interconnected world. Best way to end this article, is who would have ever thought all this goes down in a couple of weeks of mind expansion.  The secret is to get off the sedentary sofa, explore and never stop. Wearing a hat helps too.

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