Vichy Water – Author's Blog Just another WordPress weblog

December 1, 2011

LINDA CHORNEY: My Exclusive Afternoon Interview with an Amazing Grammy Nominated Singer from Monmouth County NJ USA Dec 11, 2011 (Interview from October 2011)

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , , — earthood @ 2:02 pm

Linda Chorney











Before I share this interview which was done at the very end of October when we knew that Linda Chorney was under “consideration” for Grammy nominations, I’d like to say few words. I met Linda and Scott on my first day as a journalist back in early August when she was singing at Old Freehold Day. I was mesmerized(and I use this word rarely) Her voice and passion gripped. I knew there was something totally uniquely special. A few days later we shared  two cups of green tea overlooking a pristine Jersey water view. Such unbridled energy, enthusiasm and zest for life was Linda who spiritually, synchronistically launched my journalism career.  We shared blogging experiences and shook hands to link to each other’s blog. Normally excessively verbose, I’m at a loss for words to express my total thrill, excitement and nirvana for Linda at a such a wonderful time.  I was asked to get a quote and this is what Linda said and it’s worth repeating:

“I am so honored, and touched by this nomination.  And I am still in shock.  To be in the same category that has included 2 of my heros, Bob Dylan, and Robert Plant.  But what was as touching is waking up this morning to find this letter…”


Just wanted to tell you that you are my hero! ! Congratulations!

I am an artist, over 50 and born on March 31!

I met you a while back in Fromagerie , I think, and followed your journey through your newsletter.

Just wanted to tell you that it is empowering to know that it can be done and it truly never is too late to be what you might have been!

Rock on!

I am so excited for you and for the rest of us here along theJerseyshore plugging away at their dream!

So what are you wearing to the awards? haha




LINDA CHORNEY: My Exclusive Afternoon Interview with an Amazing Grammy Nominated Singer from Monmouth County NJ

 By Calvin Barry Schwartz


On the cover of her latest double album, “Emotional Jukebox,” which has just been Grammy nominated for Americana Album of Year, Linda Chorney is pictured holding several one-word signs, describing herself as “cocky, feisty, silly, fearless, elated” and “anxious” to name a few. She is all of the above, as discovered on a recent rainy late October 2011 afternoon with bagels and cups of green tea adorning her kitchen table.

Linda Chorney

Emotional Jukebox album cover


Thoughts and emotions swirl around Linda Chorney; songs alone can’t suffice, so she has a blog. Chorney enthusiastically describes her blog video featuring astrophysicist Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, head of the Hayden Planetarium and the “killer” of planet Pluto. “We met at a party and I decided to interview him on a more human level with a different angle,” she recalls.  Her blogs, like her music, speak a rugged, unbridled Massachusetts-bred individuality. Fascination with science stems from her MIT- PhD father. “If I wasn’t so into music growing up, I might’ve become a scientist,” she muses, adding that her parents supported her music.


Making “Emotional Jukebox” was unlike any past album she made (she made six). “Recording in a studio is like being in taxi looking at the meter. But for this album, I had the biggest budget I ever had.”  Thanks to a chance meeting. Back in 2003 when she was doing a show in Aspen, an eccentric man approached her, asking if he could send something through the mail. “I gave him a PO Box because I didn’t know what was up.” A few weeks later a wireless guitar and vocal mic arrived.  Turned out that the man was Dr. Jonathan Schneider, aka “The Rock Doc,” who became a life-long friend, supporter, backer and Chorney’s “long lost goofy brother.” In 2010, Dr. Schneider, who minors in music, told the Jersey Shore song writer:  “I want you to make the album you’ve never been able to make before.” She asserts, “He was instrumental in overseeing this passion project and is one of the most generous kindest people I’ve ever met.”

Chorney’s impressive cast on Emotional Jukebox includes Will Lee (Letterman’s CBS orchestra), Shawn Pelton (Saturday Night Live), Leon Pendarvis (Saturday Night Live music director), Jeff Pevar, and Lisa Fischer (back up vocalist with Rolling Stones since 1987) to name a few.

Linda Chorney “I’ve done six albums and this was the first time I actually did some cover songs from my heroes —  Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Crosby Stills Nash and the Stones.” Her face explodes in animation. “And I had Lisa from the Stones sing on ‘Mothers Little Helper!’  Mick Jagger sang that when he was 25. To have it come from the woman who actually is feeling that drag of getting old (me) brings a whole new perspective.”


Chorney also wanted to showcase favorite Jersey musicians on the album; not only is Lisa Fischer local but also Andy Burton, Hernan Romero, Ralph Notaro, Arlan Feiles, Gladys Bryant, Tony Pallagrosi, Mary McCrink, and Richie Blackwell (of the original E Street Band). Local photographer Danny Sanchez shot the cover.

Linda Chorney is in complete control of every aspect of her music. She did everything for the album — spending a whopping 2000 hours editing with 100 tracks of different instruments; 10 to 20 takes for most tracks of every song, sometimes more. She also fulfilled a long-held dream by writing her first symphony “Mother Nature Symphony” with acclaim from classical Grammy members.  “You’re about to ask me what I listen to,” she jumps immediately, “Classic Rock and Classical.” She exaggerates the last syllable.


On “Emotional Jukebox,” her song “Cherries” is a favorite of many. “When you listen, you take a personal journey through your own life,” she offers.  “When I see people cry from that song I think it’s cool! It’s better than a record deal when people say my music has changed their lives.”  It is “Cherries” that is competing for song of the year. After pensive moments and an empty tea cup, she says, “If you’re not with a major label, you can only get so many Grammy votes and I know it’s a long shot.” She sits up in her chair and talks about how “Indies” support each other: “We have our own ‘Indie’ mob to compete with Nashville, LAand NY.” Linda Chorney wants just one Grammy on her mantle.


Linda Chorney

Linda Chorney

Linda Chorney's mosaic art work

During the interview it is hard not to notice yet another unique artistic element surrounding the kitchen. Linda designs and makes her own mosaics for backsplashes and anywhere in the home “by appointment.”  Discover the emotional multi-talented jukebox that is Linda Chorney by picking up a copy of her album, getting a mosaic or reading her electrifying blog. Three remaining bagels went home with this interviewer.


Read Linda Chorney blog at:













Facebook:  Cal Schwartz


Twitter:  Earthood


book trailer. hey its 65 seconds long




If on Facebook check out this NJ Discover site:


Linda Chorney



 ARE you in search of another blog that is also outspoken, unique BUT refreshingly, topically unbridled which means uninhibited ????  Meet   LINDA CHORNEY:




Immortality Institute (which represents advocacy and research for unlimited lifespan)





1.   ZOMBIE WALK   October 22, 2011


Nov 11, 2011


Nov 19, 2011




  1. great blog post.Thanks Again….

    Trackback by K Lawerence — December 9, 2011 @ 2:57 am

  2. Great, thanks for sharing……. Fantastic….

    Trackback by D Hymel — December 9, 2011 @ 4:48 pm

  3. Great post. Keep writing….

    Trackback by Johnathon Becker — December 10, 2011 @ 5:01 pm

  4. As a devoted musician, I often find gems here that make me so pleased I visited!!

    Comment by Vic Campbell — January 6, 2012 @ 11:48 am

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