Vichy Water – Author's Blog Just another WordPress weblog

December 1, 2011

LINDA CHORNEY: My Exclusive Afternoon Interview with an Amazing Grammy Nominated Singer from Monmouth County NJ USA Dec 11, 2011 (Interview from October 2011)

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , , — earthood @ 2:02 pm

Linda Chorney











Before I share this interview which was done at the very end of October when we knew that Linda Chorney was under “consideration” for Grammy nominations, I’d like to say few words. I met Linda and Scott on my first day as a journalist back in early August when she was singing at Old Freehold Day. I was mesmerized(and I use this word rarely) Her voice and passion gripped. I knew there was something totally uniquely special. A few days later we shared  two cups of green tea overlooking a pristine Jersey water view. Such unbridled energy, enthusiasm and zest for life was Linda who spiritually, synchronistically launched my journalism career.  We shared blogging experiences and shook hands to link to each other’s blog. Normally excessively verbose, I’m at a loss for words to express my total thrill, excitement and nirvana for Linda at a such a wonderful time.  I was asked to get a quote and this is what Linda said and it’s worth repeating:

“I am so honored, and touched by this nomination.  And I am still in shock.  To be in the same category that has included 2 of my heros, Bob Dylan, and Robert Plant.  But what was as touching is waking up this morning to find this letter…”


Just wanted to tell you that you are my hero! ! Congratulations!

I am an artist, over 50 and born on March 31!

I met you a while back in Fromagerie , I think, and followed your journey through your newsletter.

Just wanted to tell you that it is empowering to know that it can be done and it truly never is too late to be what you might have been!

Rock on!

I am so excited for you and for the rest of us here along theJerseyshore plugging away at their dream!

So what are you wearing to the awards? haha




LINDA CHORNEY: My Exclusive Afternoon Interview with an Amazing Grammy Nominated Singer from Monmouth County NJ

 By Calvin Barry Schwartz


On the cover of her latest double album, “Emotional Jukebox,” which has just been Grammy nominated for Americana Album of Year, Linda Chorney is pictured holding several one-word signs, describing herself as “cocky, feisty, silly, fearless, elated” and “anxious” to name a few. She is all of the above, as discovered on a recent rainy late October 2011 afternoon with bagels and cups of green tea adorning her kitchen table.

Linda Chorney

Emotional Jukebox album cover


Thoughts and emotions swirl around Linda Chorney; songs alone can’t suffice, so she has a blog. Chorney enthusiastically describes her blog video featuring astrophysicist Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, head of the Hayden Planetarium and the “killer” of planet Pluto. “We met at a party and I decided to interview him on a more human level with a different angle,” she recalls.  Her blogs, like her music, speak a rugged, unbridled Massachusetts-bred individuality. Fascination with science stems from her MIT- PhD father. “If I wasn’t so into music growing up, I might’ve become a scientist,” she muses, adding that her parents supported her music.


Making “Emotional Jukebox” was unlike any past album she made (she made six). “Recording in a studio is like being in taxi looking at the meter. But for this album, I had the biggest budget I ever had.”  Thanks to a chance meeting. Back in 2003 when she was doing a show in Aspen, an eccentric man approached her, asking if he could send something through the mail. “I gave him a PO Box because I didn’t know what was up.” A few weeks later a wireless guitar and vocal mic arrived.  Turned out that the man was Dr. Jonathan Schneider, aka “The Rock Doc,” who became a life-long friend, supporter, backer and Chorney’s “long lost goofy brother.” In 2010, Dr. Schneider, who minors in music, told the Jersey Shore song writer:  “I want you to make the album you’ve never been able to make before.” She asserts, “He was instrumental in overseeing this passion project and is one of the most generous kindest people I’ve ever met.”

Chorney’s impressive cast on Emotional Jukebox includes Will Lee (Letterman’s CBS orchestra), Shawn Pelton (Saturday Night Live), Leon Pendarvis (Saturday Night Live music director), Jeff Pevar, and Lisa Fischer (back up vocalist with Rolling Stones since 1987) to name a few.

Linda Chorney “I’ve done six albums and this was the first time I actually did some cover songs from my heroes —  Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Crosby Stills Nash and the Stones.” Her face explodes in animation. “And I had Lisa from the Stones sing on ‘Mothers Little Helper!’  Mick Jagger sang that when he was 25. To have it come from the woman who actually is feeling that drag of getting old (me) brings a whole new perspective.”


Chorney also wanted to showcase favorite Jersey musicians on the album; not only is Lisa Fischer local but also Andy Burton, Hernan Romero, Ralph Notaro, Arlan Feiles, Gladys Bryant, Tony Pallagrosi, Mary McCrink, and Richie Blackwell (of the original E Street Band). Local photographer Danny Sanchez shot the cover.

Linda Chorney is in complete control of every aspect of her music. She did everything for the album — spending a whopping 2000 hours editing with 100 tracks of different instruments; 10 to 20 takes for most tracks of every song, sometimes more. She also fulfilled a long-held dream by writing her first symphony “Mother Nature Symphony” with acclaim from classical Grammy members.  “You’re about to ask me what I listen to,” she jumps immediately, “Classic Rock and Classical.” She exaggerates the last syllable.


On “Emotional Jukebox,” her song “Cherries” is a favorite of many. “When you listen, you take a personal journey through your own life,” she offers.  “When I see people cry from that song I think it’s cool! It’s better than a record deal when people say my music has changed their lives.”  It is “Cherries” that is competing for song of the year. After pensive moments and an empty tea cup, she says, “If you’re not with a major label, you can only get so many Grammy votes and I know it’s a long shot.” She sits up in her chair and talks about how “Indies” support each other: “We have our own ‘Indie’ mob to compete with Nashville, LAand NY.” Linda Chorney wants just one Grammy on her mantle.


Linda Chorney

Linda Chorney

Linda Chorney's mosaic art work

During the interview it is hard not to notice yet another unique artistic element surrounding the kitchen. Linda designs and makes her own mosaics for backsplashes and anywhere in the home “by appointment.”  Discover the emotional multi-talented jukebox that is Linda Chorney by picking up a copy of her album, getting a mosaic or reading her electrifying blog. Three remaining bagels went home with this interviewer.


Read Linda Chorney blog at:













Facebook:  Cal Schwartz


Twitter:  Earthood


book trailer. hey its 65 seconds long




If on Facebook check out this NJ Discover site:


Linda Chorney



 ARE you in search of another blog that is also outspoken, unique BUT refreshingly, topically unbridled which means uninhibited ????  Meet   LINDA CHORNEY:




Immortality Institute (which represents advocacy and research for unlimited lifespan)





1.   ZOMBIE WALK   October 22, 2011


Nov 11, 2011


Nov 19, 2011



November 13, 2011

A Late Blog Explanation. New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Veterans Day Ceremony) A Menu for the Ages. Penn State. Living to 150 Years (Pomegranate Juice) November 13, 2011

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , , — earthood @ 9:58 pm

New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

I’m so moved by the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial. But first: For the first time in nearly two years, I’ve let my deadline of writing blog entries every week slip into a second week. There was a song, “You Can’t Hurry Love” by the Supremes.   YouTube:

The Supremes “You Can’t Hurry Love”

I love writing my blog; a magic carpet ride of introspection, heightened awareness and personal growth. I’ve evolved into a better writer, a better citizen of this old town or any old town. Good old Ebeneezer Scrooge: in another five weeks I’ll find my VHS copy of ‘A Christmas Carol’ starring Alastair Sim(the only film Scrooge there ever was) and slip into the joyous world of holidays.


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

sleigh to Grandmother's House



New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Ebeneezer Scrooge(Alastair Sim) and the Ghost (present)

All year long, I think about Scrooge and how he fought change and spiritual enhancement. Then on Christmas morning we witness his rebirth and commitment to taking care of Tiny Tim by symbolically standing on his head in a showing of complete joyous spiritual arrival. How often I’ve dreamt about conditional change forcing me to stand on my head. I dreamed of NBC morning programming. I’ll need a couple of stage hands to hold me up on a worn easy chair or sofa. I’ve got it all figured out; the scene is part of my arrival at journey’s end. Arrival is not a bad thing; just a time to exhale and give thanks. And I love Thanksgiving, a most perfect holiday of family, friends, food for thought, and a sleigh ride to Grandmother’s house. But there are no Grandmothers left, very little family and earthquakes happening all over the world with increasing frequency and intensity.

If you haven’t guessed, I’m firing away on all cylinders, dusting off my parched streams of consciousness that I haven’t used in two weeks. I can still give thanks on Thanksgiving; every day I find a way to thank the universe for my blessings; I just don’t and never will have much of a family. All those scattered cousins everywhere and not a drop to drink with, except precious poignant Cousin Stuart. Where did all the flowers go; same place of obscurity where my cousins sit at the diner of lost dreams on Wednesday 3AM. Is there a good geneticist in the house? Am I the product of bad cousin genes?  I’m even down to one sister left; more gene splicing?


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

dorothy's shoes. i tried to get them to fit on me once in florida


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Paul Newman in 'Somebody Up There Likes Me'

I see Dorothy clicking her red ruby heels; there is no place like home and extended family. I’ll never know. Is it purist simple gifts of life? I must be on to or just on something (broccoli?). I’ve been listening to the song and instrumental ‘Simple Gifts’ for years. Then during President Obama’s Inauguration ceremony, ‘Simple Gifts’ was one of two songs played at the Lincoln Memorial.





New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

rare pix of Marilyn Monroe

‘Somebody Up There Likes Me.’ A wonderful movie starring Paul Newman. Last week it hit me again. How can Paul Newman be gone? And Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau and Sammy Davis.

I asked my mother the other day; how can it be that I only have one sister left. Things we take for granted; the warmth and caring relationships of the blood is thicker than water. What if water becomes blood? There’s Yul Brynner holding up the staff but the river Nile still turns red. Well, I accept the law of diminishing family. I see a thousand Conestoga wagons heading into Kansas during a land rush. My father decides to pitch camp at the first overflowing stream and within two weeks our cabin is built, a fence surrounds the property. An asteroid came within 200,000 miles of earth the other day; awful close astronomically; scares the hell out of me.  I wonder why we didn’t experiment and send a rocket to see how effective we can be in destroying menacing asteroids; ‘just in case’ kind of deal. Or with our luck, we divert it right down here to central Jersey. I need Thanksgiving; a cold, cloudy day with fresh cranberry sauce. I asked a friend on the tennis court recently if he remembered the cranberry scare of 1959. He said no. “What about Thalidomide?” That he knew; the sedative drug that causes malformation of fetuses and was withdrawn from the market in 1961.


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Sammy Davis. Jr.


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Yul Brynner. Pharaoh

Enough with dodge ball. I apologize for being tardy. But the good news for all my blog readers is that my words are reaching a larger audience than I ever dreamt. Back in July, I started writing a monthly column for OUR TOWN newspaper. The following month it went to two columns. And in October it hit three columns a month. It is work and commitment but I love words and writing. Then three weeks ago in the blowing winds of synchronicity, I became ‘involved’ with a Jersey TV Production company, as a reporter, writer, and program/talent developer. And I do all this as you know because I’m not quite at mid-life yet as long as I subscribe to the notion of living to 150 years which I always blog about. I hear my mother calling to me from upstairs to budget my time. I love this blog and thanks for your support and dropping by.  Enough said. Maybe take four minutes and watch my first gig as a reporter during Zombie Walk on the Asbury Park boardwalk two weeks ago. The YouTube link:


Calvin reporter at Zombie Walk Asbury Park


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Calvin interviewing zombie on Asbury Park Boardwalk

New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

I LOVE Conestoga wagons

A few years ago, on a cold, bleak, windy February Friday afternoon (enough adjectives?); I was heading homeward southbound on the Garden State Parkway. It was 2 PM, two hours from descending darkness. Something grabbed my soul and told me to go visit the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Holmdel. Something is one of my favorite amorphous spiritual conceptual words; much too involved and complicated for a dissertation now. But I always listen to something because it is wise, warming, steering and magical. Something made me write my first novel a few years ago.






New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

at New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony

New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

at New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony The Tree losing leaves.

Something made me climb mountains barefoot in Sedona or walk on a decaying old wooden dock in Key Largo or gets me up at 3 AM to stare blankly at computer screen savers. I’ve never been to the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial not being a veteran of that war during my twenties. Of course with the extreme weather conditions, I was the only person visiting. There are 360 panels, each representing a day of the year including leap year. Each panel contains the names of those men and women who died on that day. I decided to stare at each name, shivering from the brutal 10 degree wind chill cold and then consume random names and commit to my eternal memory. Arthur John Abramoff and Albert Potter became part of my senses. Forty minutes passed until I made the circuitous journey around the memorial, promising to keep committing names to my senses. I might fill up several pages to rip words from the intestinal lining of emotions when seeing names of all those special wonderful young people taken away with so much of life’s promise.




New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

at New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

at New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony Cameraman and Me

Six months ago, I knew on this special Veterans Day of 11-11-11, 11:11 AM that I’d be there. But I never dreamt I’d be going as a TV reporter and journalist. Life is something. Once again, it was so cold and windy. One lone tree in the middle of the memorial grounds kept losing leaves that were once green, now brown.  One fallen leaf skirted my cheek. I kept looking around at the faces of these amazing veterans. A strange welling in my chest; should I have been with them back then? Five hundred proud Vietnam Veterans gathered. I got to interview on camera Clark Martin, Chairman of the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation and Joseph Formola, (“Hero’s don’t wear capes; they wear dog tags.”), Chaplain New Jersey State Council Vietnam Veterans of America and Chester, a proud eloquent Vietnam veteran.



New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

at New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony

Everyone said the same thing; how hard it was coming back from Vietnam because of the way they were treated; there was no respect for their sacrifices and patriotism. Chester said it best, “People come up to us now, thank us for serving. That really didn’t happen years ago. Didn’t happen. But it is happening now and that’s beautiful.” I thanked him three times and got all choked up. My video cameraman knew to stop shooting. I need to keep going there. I’ve added John Richard McDonough from South Orange to my senses. It’s hard excavating intestinal linings and emotions. Here’s the link to the video coverage of Veterans Day in New Jersey. (2 minutes):

Yes, I dig living to 150 years. The other day I encountered a menu from a fast food place soon opening here in Jersey. I whispered to myself, “Fried Snickers?” Picture attached and I think I’ll take the terse road which may be the high road not the back road to Perdition. One other note on living to 150 years: A glass of pomegranate juice a day could keep the wrinkles away, according to a new study that reveals it slows down the aging process of DNA.


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Fried Snickers???


New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate has previously been linked to the prevention of heart disease and stress relief but now researchers from the Probelte Bio Lab in Spain have found that the fruit juice also slows down the natural oxidation (‘wear and tear’) of DNA. During the study, scientists used a potent new type of pomegranate extract including the skin, pith and seeds of the fruit. The 60 participants were asked to take the extract for 30 days in the form of a pill. The results found a significant decrease in a marker associated with cell damage that disrupts brain, muscle, liver and kidney functions, as well as causing aging.

Finally Penn State: There are few words I can excavate now. Enough will be said for years to come. I became friendly with a former pretty good Penn State quarterback from the mid 70’s when I actually used to root for them before I began my love affair to remember with Rutgers. He always talked spirited about Joe Paterno and actually became an assistant strength coach after graduation. One morning in the early 90’s, I had my wheat flakes with sprinkled raisins and felt pretty good as far as throwing a football was concerned. Later that day I was at John’s house in eastern Pennsylvania, sitting in the den when I spotted a football and suggested we go out into his endless backyard and start tossing the football around.

New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Scarlett O'Hara. Tomorrow is another day??


Who knows, if John never got hurt in senior year, he’s playing on Sunday. So we’re throwing the ball around. I keep backing up knowing I’ve got a pretty good arm. The further back we go, it seems the more effortlessly he’s throwing the ball to me. Then Cher slapped my face and told me to snap out of it. And I did back then. I could never be a quarterback like John. Thing is, I wish upon a fading star of Paterno and Penn State that this was all a nightmare and Cher could slap my face, tell me to snap out just one more time and then Scarlett O’Hara could come along just about now as I finish this blog and say “Tomorrow is another day” But it isn’t.


Cher slaps nick cage You tube (5 seconds)




website: Jersey Vietnam Veterans MemorialFacebook:  Cal Schwartz

Twitter:  Earthood

book trailer. hey its 65 seconds long



If on Facebook check out this NJ Discover site:New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial



ARE you in search of another blog that is also outspoken, unique BUT refreshingly, topically unbridled which means uninhibited ????  Meet   LINDA CHORNEY:



Immortality Institute (which represents advocacy and research for unlimited lifespan)

August 2011. Guest on Alicia Cramer Show (podcast) “Thin Healthy Happy” :

September 23, 2011

Troy Davis. Caryl Chessman. Diabetes Update(Living to 150). A Freehold,NJ Civil War Encampment. Tennis: Althea Gibson. Train Whistles. Big East College Conference. September 23, 2011

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , , — earthood @ 5:54 pm

Troy Davis


Troy Davis

Troy Davis

Troy Davis. Earlier tonight, I was playing indoor doubles tennis; I hit a blistering passing forehand winner down the middle of the court (if only John McEnroe could’ve seen it). For two seconds, before the next serve, I gloated; it really felt good after the shot; my doubles partner pointed at me; no more high fives (has that gone the way of the vestigial tail?) Thinking back to my formative years, growing up in Newark, no one played tennis; it was football, baseball, basketball and soccer (to accommodate a large European post-war immigration). Curiously, I followed some tennis back in the mid-fifties.

Troy Davis

Althea Gibson


Althea Gibson was a hero of mine; overcoming great odds to become the first African-American to be a competitor on the world scene and the first to win a Grand Slam Title in 1956; the year before,  my beloved Brooklyn Dodgers won their first World Series with Jackie Robinson;  She was sometimes called the ‘Jackie Robinson’ of tennis. I wrote about her hero status in my first novel. Decades go by: I’m married, move to suburbia, have a son and twenty-two years ago, a friend down the block asked me to play tennis to kill time. I’ve been playing obsessively ever since. Seventeen years ago, I even flew to Boca Raton,Florida and enrolled in the Evert/Segusso/Bassett tennis clinic in the middle of the summer; much too hot for normal people to be on a tennis court so there were only two people in the clinic. I had the head instructor all to myself for two days. Part of the clinic was filming my footwork, net play and strokes. On the second day’s end, we viewed the video; the instructor seriously suggested I give-up the game even as I explained the physiology of my tennis; brain patterns doing the wrong thing for years and I can’t change patterns in two days.

Troy Davis

Bogart and Dooley Wilson in Rick's Cafe Americain, 'Casablanca'

After winning the first set tonight, I heard a train whistle in the distance; one of the saddest droning sounds you could ever hear. A circus came to town; when dissembled, the clowns, elephants, lions and this mustached man, who swallowed a sword, hopped on a train and disappeared for another lonely year. A woman with long hair tucked neatly under a hat, ran alongside a Pennsylvania Railroad troop train, trying to catch a last glimpse of her husband bound for glory and the war in Europe from which he’d never return; fading blowing whistle finally made her stop running. My mother is near the sound. Humphrey Bogart (Rick Blaine) stood on train steps, hoping Ilsa might still come before he wound up in Casablanca; his raincoat was suddenly dry after pouring rain as the whistle closed the scene and faded to next when earlier he said, “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”

Troy Davis

Troop Train


YouTube link to a train whistle if you dare:


I missed a few easy balls at the net and I realized why; pre-occupation as the train whistle made me distantly sad and reminded again of last night’s execution of Troy Davis in  Georgia. It’s not within the providential confines of this blog to even begin to tackle the myriad of capital punishment issues and history but it’s my blog; my thoughts become molecular energy and escape into the universe, looking like fireflies on a hot August night.


Troy Davis


Back in the fifties, before learning about environment and the sanctified integrity of life, including insects, we used to collect fireflies in jars, almost like an Olympics event(who can catch the most in five minutes), but we’d release the glowing anomalies back to free nature. If there’s the slightest doubt about innocence, then you don’t take a life. Last week I signed a petition to that effect.

Troy Davis In 1960, I was fifteen, emotional, idealistic, growing like a strange weed from the vacant lot at the end of the block, and fortunately only suffered from acne for six months while held up in an attic with bed, radio and view of Newark Airport. Then our black and white television told us about a convicted rapist in California sentenced to death twice. While on death row for 12 years (gas chamber) Caryl Chessman wrote several books (‘Cell 2455 Death Row’ in 1954) and pleaded for his rehabilitated life. Of course I didn’t understand all the legal jazz, but I remember crying the night they killed him and I’m blogging about it 51 years later, so it impacts me, even now. A few years ago at the University of Michigan, I went to a lecture on equal justice and learned that it’s better to be rich and guilty then poor and innocent in America.


In May 2001, a professional basketball player was convicted of attempted rape (same crime as Chessman) and punishment was a suspended sentence with 15 days house arrest (The NBA suspended him five games) and then he proceeded to sign a $30 million contract. I wonder why there’s amnesia about Chessman. What happened to his unpublished writings?  It’s funny/curious how people forget things; back then, there was no Miranda or Fourth Amendment rights against search and seizures. How many white doves will attempt to fly the Atlantic before Troy Davis is forgotten? Why do I get the feeling Chessman was coerced into a confession and when later, he recanted, but it was too late as California hung a capital punishment (gas death) on him based on a now discarded kidnapping statute. And California didn’t want to listen to anything; they just wanted expediency; get him out of the way. Chessman reminded me of Lenny Bruce; both defended themselves and pissed off judge, jury and warden. Chessman did argue he was innocent of the crimes charged and perhaps more proof of that was contained in his last writings which California made disappear. He pissed everybody off;  reminds me of the ‘Birdman of Alcatraz’ and once again California’s  escutcheon and Georgia’s can’t be far behind. And the Columbia River rolls on and there’s been no capital punishment in California since Chessman. I just opened my office window; humidity, rain and déjà-vu are in the heavy wind swaying the vertical blinds justice.

Troy Davis

Me with Union soldiers with Civil War cannon

Troy Davis

self explanatory me.


Changing directions: Last Saturday I went to my first Civil War encampment, strangely, ten minutes away from my place of residence and on the grounds of the Monmouth County Historical Society and Museum. For mood effect, it was a perfect cloudy Saturday. Out front, I met a  Rhode Island  company of  Union soldiers guarding a cannon. Out back, with tents, a fire simmering a pot of stew, a few young soldiers with muskets, a man caning a chair; I gravitated to a bearded guitar playing soldier singing a folk song, ‘Nancy Whiskey,’ which I recognized and knew it was written close to 1850; everything around me was timely and accurate.




Troy Davis

me and young Union soldiers from New York and my red hat is Rutgers Univ. founded 1766 in keeping with the era.


Troy Davis

Union Army folksinger

Suddenly I was back in 1862; the power of several extended blinks. ‘Somewhere in Time’ I felt Civil War emotion, looking around at the encampment, imagining what and where I would’ve been any particular day in September, 1862. I asked this New York regiment’s soldiers about their group and how many were lost as the war dragged on. Losses were heavy (some through desertions). I went back to the singer and drifted to Gettysburg and back to Freehold when I noticed a late model wire fence in the background and found three newly minted pennies in my jeans pocket and I was harshly thrust back to September, 2011. Time for the museum and Civil War exhibits: I found the glue which held and took me back to 1862 again. Fixation with a letter by William Burroughs Ross, a young solider whose life was cut short at 21 years; he wrote this letter to his Mother:


“Dear Mother:

I have been in some high society lately down here. Colonel Hall, Lt. Woodward, Alliston and myself went to Frederick and called on a Miss Cooper, whose father is a General in the Union Army. I took my guitar along. There were several ladies present and we had a glorious time singing, playing and dancing.”


It’s like the letter could’ve been written by my son at summer camp, coincidentally located a few miles from Frederick (Maryland). Of course my son is living in Brooklyn now. Meanwhile 6 million kids’ ages 25 to 34 are back living with their parents again; numbers are up 25% since the economic downturn. But New Jersey still has the second highest per capita income. Back to the museum: perhaps the most revealing and should I say humorous letter, taking a shot at politics with Democrats and Republicans even back in 1862. How things never change. In describing Republican President Abraham Lincoln, after a presidential visit to the troops, this Union soldier wrote, “his unmitigated ugliness is a democratic misrepresentation.”

Troy Davis

Letter Re: President Lincoln

Upstairs in the museum I was shown a porcelain collection, some from China, because it was perceived back in the 1860’s that China did it better and cheaper. Again, some things don’t change. I wonder about humans not changing in a few hundred years. I wonder if we’ll ever change when it comes to environmental issues. I remember the biblical Tower of Babel and compare it today’s Tower of Babble(I call it the UN).

If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know I’m a champion of living to 150 years and also avoiding diabetes. All four of my grandparents had diabetes and I’ve been living with a genetic gun to my forehead and pancreas for a long time. I read a lot and come up with notions how not to get the dreaded disease; so far so good after six decades; exercise and more exercise; a fountain of youth. People with diabetes may be twice as likely to develop memory problems and dementia as they age, including Alzheimer’s disease a recent study shows. This risk also appears to be heightened among people with pre-diabetes — people who are on the verge of developing diabetes. Exactly how diabetes and dementia are linked is not fully understood. But the new findings add to growing evidence that what is good for our hearts may also be good for our brains. Finally, researchers have shown they can reverse the aging process for human adult stem cells, which are responsible for helping old or damaged tissues regenerate. The findings could lead to medical treatments that may repair a host of ailments that occur because of tissue damage as people age. So this is good news for living to 150 years.


In my March 11th, April 1st and April 23rd blog, I kind of ‘attacked’ the NCAA and the Big East conference commissioner for allowing, what I perceived, the Rutgers-St. Johns Big East basketball tournament game to be fixed near the end of the game, so that St. Johns could play Syracuse the next day; the match-up was better financially?  Events of the last few days brings enormous pressure on the Big East commissioner as Syracuse and Pittsburgh are abandoning the conference, heading to the ACC. My view of the world: a little poetic justice falling in the lap of Mr. Commisioner who, it seemed to me, participated or looked the other way in this tragic stealing a victory away from Rutgers and that Syracuse may’ve now helped pull back the Nerf bow and arrow aimed at this very inept conference commissioner. I want to say there is justice. But there really isn’t. A conference lay in disarray. Oh, I didn’t know this but the Big East rejected admitting Penn State years ago because they were bad in basketball.


Perhaps an innocent man, Troy Davis was executed in the name of expediency. California helped us forget Caryl Chessman. A few hours ago was the last episode of ‘All My Children.’ My first wife made me watch it back in 1970; perhaps that’s why she was a first wife. Strange (foreign) writing has appeared on the bodies of Southwest airlines jets and is especially noticeable when things are heated up; of course I wonder how the writer breached airport security to do that. Movie maker Kevin Smith was kicked off a Southwest Airlines plane in 2010 for being too fat. Kevin may be making a reality TV show based on his comic store in Red Bank, N.J., ‘Jay and Silent Bob’s  Secret Stash.’

Troy Davis Mindfully, I’ve been firing away here, trying to lose myself, still feeling sad, empty and confused about the State of Georgia taking a human life when so many were not sure. I suppose, instead of eating a pound of enriched chocolate chip cookies made with dark chocolate, I’d prefer to let streams of consciousness here soulfully sooth. Speaking of Georgia, I just became Facebook friends with a television reporter from Georgia, the Asian country, who’s covering current events for Georgia television in New York City(UN meetings). She asked if I would ever like to talk to her about ‘Americana’ stuff. Suddenly it’s autumn today and I’m thinking about American capital punishment again. Tomorrow is definitely another day; the Big East plays football and I’m ready to talk on camera.



Troy Davis

Caryl Chessman and his attorney.



Contact Information:


Facebook: Cal Schwartz

Twitter:  Earthood

book trailer. hey its 65 seconds long


Immortality Institute (which represents advocacy and research for unlimited lifespan)

August 2011. Guest on Alicia Cramer Show (podcast) “Thin Healthy Happy” :

ARE you in search of another blog that is also outspoken, unique  BUT
unbridled which means uninhibited ????  Meet   LINDA CHORNEY:


September 17, 2011

Schrodingers’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (a heavy entry)(Mendacity). Swimming Hole. Belmar Pro Surfing Championships. Sponge Bob??? Living to 150 years. Equal Justice Initiative. David ‘Honeyboy’ Edwards. Saturday September 17, 2011

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , , — earthood @ 12:40 am




Mendacity. A lot to say on a strange Friday afternoon; actually it’s been one of the heavier emotional days of my earthly stage run. Where do I begin; let me count the ways; which means, let streams of consciousness take over the depression of the computer key board. You know what? I’m free at last. It seems there is no power in my soul to bridge the gap of  communicating understanding; it’s one of those blood versus thick water deals and I failed, but am taking half responsibility. Confusing so far?  Let’s backtrack to the cat.



Erwin Schrodinger, in 1935, proposed a theoretical experiment in which a cat was put in a steel box along with a vial of hydrocyanic acid (with a tiny amount of a radioactive substance). If just one atom decayed during the test period, it would trigger a sequence in which a hammer would break the vial and kill the cat. As long as the box stayed closed, you wouldn’t know whether this had happened or not, so with quantum law and the superposition of states, the cat is BOTH alive and dead at one and the same time. When a measurement is made (look in the box); the superposition ceases to be and the cat is either alive or dead.





The paradox is that observation (measurement) affects outcome, so the outcome doesn’t exist until the measurement is made. I brought this cat up because it fits the stream of my thinking this afternoon.

Now to our cat sitting precariously on a hot tin roof; you bet (chocolate syrup?), I’m referring to the movie ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ starring Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman and Burl Ives. Funny: they were supposed to film the movie in black and white but decided not to in order to take advantage of the popularity of Liz’s violet and Paul’s blue eyes.


MendacityWhy bring the movie up? Big Daddy’s (Burl Ives) character seems to resonate more with me these days; perhaps because we’re basically the same age now; I caught up to him after watching it decades ago. I love Brick (Paul Newman) because he was the only one who never lied to Big Daddy and was disgusted with the complicated rules of social conduct in Southern society and culture; so am I.  Mendacity has been swirling around my life since I learned what the word meant, studying for my college boards when I looked it up after I saw the movie. The older I get, like Brick; it seems I can’t have falsehood in my life anymore. Part is expected idealism of the human spirit. Part also is sharing the same womb with a view. Idealism once made me not to talk to a room-mate fraternity brother for seven months because I believed fraternalism was real and when I was let down, I withdrew. It is a burden to pretend. Sometimes I think I’d like to find a cabin in Montana, hang out, grow bananas and apples in the backyard and live final days (like Big Daddy) in a mendacity free environment. By the way, I mentioned examples of white fruit because eating it daily may drastically cut down odds of suffering a stroke. Now the cat is off the roof; I’m saddened, heart broken, disbelieving that thick water is now flowing through my veins. Maybe I’ll knock on the big greed doors at Emerald City and find that rascally Wizard?  This blog is always carefully edited. One more elusive thought which may shine a dim light: Not in the past eight years could I find even a sentence of moral support, as I’ve become a writer, from two people who are supposed to be close. So that makes me nothing and them too. And the burden of pretending they care is just too heavy;  therefore they must become less than nothing in my life. La De Dah. There I’ve done it.  I sound like Taylor in the last scene of ‘Planet of the Apes.’  “I’ve finally really done it.”  Perhaps burden free thick water living is really the best for me.


Now to the swimming hole; there’ll be no more of that until next May or June or perhaps if global warming really gets a head of steam going, on some future February, we’ll be swimming outside here in central Jersey. 58% of tea party members say global warming doesn’t exist. Alas, the swimming hole is just a way to convey how my head is swimming around. No matter what ever I say, always remember my ultimate goal in life is getting to 150 years. Taking 40 supplements a day for 40 years is one way, my way. I do hang out in several health food stores; even have been elevated to VIP customer status. But I’m saddened to learn that only 7% of health food store employees give good advice, the rest (93%), perhaps were used car salesmen. Poor abused used car salesmen having to endure endless stereotypes. Once, a long time ago in that galaxy far away, I went to buy a new car. I told the salesman that I myself am a salesman and just give me the best price; please no games; I’m too intelligent. In a few minutes he got up and said, “Let me talk to the sales manager. See what we can do.” In a few minutes he came back and said, “Just for you, we’re going to give you this discounted price.” And I said, “Just for me? I just walked in off the street. No one knows me here. Why just for me? Goodbye.” And I left.


harrison ford. as indiana jones.


Now another digression; remember the Harrison Ford swordsmen scene in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’? (He takes a gun and shoots the Cairo swordsmen rather than engage him) As the story goes, Harrison was not feeling well, and just couldn’t draw out that scene more than another hour (instead of three days), so Harrison said to Spielberg, “Hey Pal…..” Here’s the link to the story and video.

harrison ford/steven spielberg video

More swimming; 366 million people world-wide have diabetes; every 7 seconds someone dies from it. 22% of children in Texas have no health insurance. In 2010, 7.6 million children world-wide died before they were five. In 1990, the number was 12 million. Two million children in Somalia are starving.


porsche design baby stroller.


Porsche (yes the car) has designed an elegant baby stroller that matches their lavish car. Edith Bunker used to say, “Isn’t that something, Archie?”  Congress now has a 12% approval rating (lowest in history?) and there are 11.2 million undocumented immigrants and a 1 in 3 chance of another recession. Today has been a hard rain’s going to fall day and I’m running on emotional empty.


sponge bob. keeping college graduation rates down???


So what’s all this stuff about ‘Sponge Bob’?  SAT average scores: Verbal 489. Math 514. Down 33 points since 1972. Funny: College graduation rates are down while ‘Sponge Bob’ viewing is up. Young children who watch fast-paced, fantastically wild television shows may become “handicapped” in their readiness for learning, according to psychologists who tested 4-year-old children immediately after they had watched nine minutes of the popular show “Sponge Bob Square Pants” and found that the ability to pay attention, follow rules, remember what they were told, solve problems, and moderate behavior had been severely compromised. Why? Too much extreme fantasy, schools are too boring or maybe teach video games in schools. There are more than 7.5 million Facebook users younger than 13 and more than 5 million are 10 or younger. I’m glad my son is over 25 and living in Brooklyn. Facebook hit 750 million world users and is valued at $100 billion. Ah, good ole intellectual property is alive and well.

I’ve been following the case of Troy Anthony Davis in a Georgia prison who is supposed to be executed next week despite the fact that seven of the nine witnesses have changed their story and no physical evidence links Davis to the crime. No one should be executed, especially if there are doubts about guilt. I’ve learned to ask, from a lecture I attended at the University of Michigan on equal justice initiatives; is it better to be rich and guilty in America rather than poor and innocent? If anyone is interested, here’s a link to a petition.



surfer mark from north carolina and me



David ‘Honeyboy’ Edwards, a Delta blues artist (gosh am I loving blues more and more) just died at the age of 96. He toured almost to the time of his death. Remember living to 150? We’re getting there.  Here’s a YouTube interview with David in Chicago a few years ago.

David ‘Honeyboy’ Edwards interview and singing in Chicago a few years ago

What amazing precious talent.

This living to 150 year gig is all consuming. Part is think young and dive into life, stretching telomeres and playing tricks with DNA. So Thursday, I went down to Belmar,N.J.(the place of my dreamy jetty since I was ten years old) at 8:30 AM to catch the first heats of short board in the Belmar Pro Surfing Tournament (National scope). Surfing stereotypes are doing just fine (ripped folks with long blonde hair everywhere). I saw Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn) sitting on the side listening to Van Halen.




Zion Balbuena and me at surfing tournament


Zion surfing on Thursday.

I actually had my IPod pumping in Beach Boys surfing sounds to get me in the spiritual surfing mood. Spicoli’s character was iconic from ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’. I love when he pounded his head with a sneaker. Since I’m a columnist for OUR TOWN, I do these things; found a surfer and asked if I could interview and photograph. I call him ‘Spicoli’, and he said, “I’m wasted, stoned and drunk. Sorry.” Soon I found this ebullient young surfer named Zion Balbuena from the Dominican Republic more than willing; he was one of the more impressive surfers. Hey Mah, look at me at a surfing tournament! I confessed to Zion, I lost my desire to surf over forty years ago. And I still can’t find it.


Now it’s Friday night and I’m emotionally drained. I don’t know why but I’m in a desert now; dunes and emptiness. It’s hot and unforgiving. Now I’m in Gloucester, Massachusetts at a bar. It’s 2 AM. The Juke-box is playing ‘Harbor Heart’ by Slim Chance and the Gamblers (really really great blues) (find them and listen on Reverbnation).


Slim Chance and the Gamblers

I’m shipping out in the morning; I keep promising it’s my last beer. Sure I’m worried; we keep going further out into the Atlantic; no fish around here anymore. So there’s a huge rogue satellite due to fall from the sky in next few days. The government won’t know where until two hours before; odds of me or you getting hit by that: 1/3200; bad odds. I’ve rambled around this blog tonight; it’s a profound sense of loss and failure. Thoughts just fire away. Bear with me. Now I see Scarlett sitting on the steps after Rhett left. “After all, tomorrow is another day.” And I think I’ll go to You Tube and listen to excerpts of the movie music.  I’ll drift far away, not back to Tara, but to Newark,N.J. when those near and dear were still on this earth, and frankly my dear, I really do give a damn that I can’t get advice and consent anymore. Suddenly Saturday. Good night Gracie and reckless ostrich.



a foot up on my belmar jetty.



jeff spicoli. awesome.











Contact Information:


Facebook: Cal Schwartz

Twitter:  Earthood

book trailer. hey its 65 seconds long



Immortality Institute (which represents advocacy and research for unlimited lifespan)


August 2011. Guest on Alicia Cramer Show (podcast) “Thin Healthy Happy” :

ARE you in search of another blog that is also outspoken, unique  BUT
unbridled which means uninhibited ????  Meet Linda Chorney:

September 10, 2011

Somalia (East Africa) Famine and Western Monmouth County Boutique Food Markets (a long title). OUR TOWN/Barfly Newspaper. A Hero Comes to Town (John Dean): Dilemma? Living beyond 150 Years: IMMORTALITY INSTITUTE. A Riveting Documentary: “Rebirth” Saturday September 10, 2011

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , , — earthood @ 12:59 am





Somalia: I’ve been blogging about it ‘subliminally’ the last month. No more subliminal. A few weeks ago we hit the beach at the Jersey Shore with an old Newark high school friend, wife and daughter. Friendship began during Eisenhower’s last year in office and wrapped up in September, 1963 when Michael went to Rutgers, New Brunswick(was it really called the ‘Berkeley’ of the east referencing Rutgers’ free speech movement involvement?) and I was sent to Toledo; thus began our drifting apart which lasted through 35 years and a few wars. At a Weequahic High School 35th reunion, we fittingly reunited and now share bonds of being Rutgers alumni (I made it to Rutgers, Newark in 1965).  In April, 1963 my friend Michael mailed (without a stamp) a forged, concocted letter indicating I’ve been asked to represent America in a basketball tournament overseas. You can imagine my jubilation until my father pointed out the fabrication. Now we laugh about his practical joke.






corn shucks

On the beach under an increasingly cloudy sky, we invited Michael and family to dinner. Three hours before they arrived, I accompanied my wife to Wegman’s food market for supplies and ammunition (wine). Once a year, I make it into that store as I’m not from the shoppers and care little about food, preparation, presentation or origins. When I stopped eating red meat in 1975, I soon discovered that lettuce is lettuce and people are people; lettuce has the same taste on top of the 66th floor as in a basement cafeteria. Walking into the vastness of Wegman’s, I gasped while barely able to see to the other end of the store while millions across southern Somalia abandoned their homes looking for food. My wife said, “Just push the cart, stay close and don’t throw any impulse things in.” And a man carried his two children on his shoulders during their hundreds of miles trek eastward for food. When he realized they were dead, he stopped to bury them. Our first stop in what I call a boutique food market experience was produce.

Presentation is everything; there was even a display for shucking corn (shucks?) and fancy containers (garbage cans) for depositing silks and excesses. Fruits and vegetables as far as myopic eyes could see; some varieties actually looked GM (genetically modified, not the car company) or props from the movie, “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids;’ huge succulent fruits and vegetables.


Grocery stores take in $470 billion a year. Wegman’s carries 70,000 items as compared to the industry average of 40,000. The number of Somali children with severe acute malnutrition was 170,000. Droughts in Somalia used to occur once a decade; now every two years. Climate change?  While Somalia has a famine producing drought,New Jersey has been socked by the rainiest August in history and the lines of food buyers at Wegman’s in preparation for impending storms have been as bad as the gas shortage lines of 1973. I had a Volkswagen back then and had the temerity to attempt illegal siphoning and caught a gaseous mouthful because I didn’t know what I was doing. Somalia has a war going on which complicates food deliveries. A little boy in a shopping cart was fighting with his mother in front of me. Two bags of bite size branded chocolate candies were adeptly swiped off a shelf while cart was in slow motion and another bag fell to the floor; the woman picked it up yelling, exposing a flowery tattoo. That was enough for me; I walked down the vitamin aisles. Living to 150 years, I’m always looking for better mouse-trap organic anti-oxidants. Meanwhile, my wife called me on the cell phone to find out where I was.



me doing a real keg stand. gold medal?


Western famine aid agencies are fearful because of unrest and fortify themselves near the airport where relief food is flown in. Three weeks after the UN declared a famine (and several flights of food arriving daily) food had yet to make it out of the airport (Mogadishu) to a refugee camp 300 feet away. When supermarket check-out food lines are long, a loud-speaker calls for more cashiers up front. Dinner with Michael and family was sumptuous; they left after 1 AM. At 2 AM tossing and turning, I came downstairs to my computer and read more about Somalia. I don’t know. I don’t know. There, I said it twice and I feel strangely helplessly empty.

My wrists hurt; rope burns? Google just announced they are buying Zagat’s restaurant review, which services millions of readers and reviewers who love to talk about their favorite restaurants. Google wants to be closer to us. While I’m on a foodie roll here in Western Monmouth County; ‘Whole Foods’ is coming to town near Wegman’s and rumor has it that ‘Trader Joe’s,’ another upscale food store is also thinking about coming here; people love to eat and spend middle-class money. A ‘Costco’ just opened a month ago near me with humongous industrial sized packages of food. Word on the street, how successful they’ve been, spread like a wildfire, so perhaps ‘Trader Joes’ wants a piece of our food fight pie. The WFP (World Food Programme) tweeted back in August that their airlifts will bring enough high-energy biscuits to Eastern Africa to feed 1.6 million people. They later clarified the tweet; the 1.6 million people would be fed for just one day and that airlifts were not to Mogadishu. A few of my friends were ecstatic about ‘Trader Joe’s.’ I think they tweeted their followers with this news that’s not really fit to tweet. I just rubbed a soothing balm on my wrists.


Kutsher's Hotel in Catskills

This just in, keeping with ‘food theme’ of the last paragraph; ‘Kutsher’s Tribeca’ is a new  restaurant, opening soon in Tribeca, New York City, taking its name and heritage from Kutsher’s Hotel in the Catskill Mountains. A hotel son, Zach Kutsher got the idea to bring it to life. Expect matzoh crusted chicken and other traditional modernized foods.

The blog title says OUR TOWN/Barfly newspapers. I should formally acknowledge that I’ve become a columnist for a new dynamic Monmouth County newspaper; my beat; music, theatre, jetties, culture, art, film, eclectic people and happenings throughout the county. Funny thing forum wise: I’ve been partaking all along. The Barfly section features local bar/music/sports-viewing scene. Another funny thing; in the past, I’ve referred to my youthful accomplishments/milestones relevant to the ingestion of beer in Olympic style events; keg stands and beer pong. A picture of me keg-standing is herewith included. It should also be stated that these undertakings are strictly for the purposes of bonding with the millennial generation (younger than springtime and letters x, y and z?); all part of a grandiose picture and favorite pursuit; living to 150 years (you have to believe); ergo do young things.

Somalia Who said, “You have to believe”? Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon) said those words in 1985 ‘Fright Night;’ an enjoyable horror fantasy that my son and I watch all the time; part of my keeping up and young. They just remade that movie. We’re not talking about 1939 ‘Wuthering Heights’ being remade. ‘Fright Night’ is 25 years old.  Hollywood can’t come up with originality; maybe budget constraints. Speaking of budgets, enough states are turning to expanded casino gambling for added tax revenue. Governor Cuomo in New York is looking at non-Indian casinos; same thing in Chicago. Now back to the 150 year future.


Roger Bacon 13th century

This 150 year gig has been a regular feature of this blog from inception. As a sophomore back at Rutgers, I decided not to age traditionally. So what is written here is practiced. A long time ago (13th century) the English philosopher Roger Bacon wrote that aging is caused by the progressive loss of vital spirit. To extend life span, he advised old men to spend time in the company of young women. He was right about aging and the loss of vital spirit. Biologists at USC discovered major declines in the availability of an enzyme, known as the Lon protease, as human cells grow older. The finding may help explain why humans lose energy with age and could point medicine toward new diets or pharmaceuticals to slow the aging process.

A few weeks ago, after careful research, I joined the Immortality Institute (which represents advocacy and research for unlimited lifespans)

Please explore their website:

There’s a brave new world out there. A few weeks ago I went to a lecture with Ray Kurzweil, futurist, genius and Dr. Michio Kaku, astro-physicist, genius and an array of intellects. Bottom line: If we can make it the next fifteen years intact, then with knowledge (and computer chip’s power) dramatically increasing, we’ll really be able to get to 150 years with quality of life and abundant tennis court time. Maybe grow a new liver or heart when you need it (in an hour?) Thing is, you have to begin understanding prospects and realities; start fighting for your right to live to 150 years and way beyond.


On the wing. Still scares me. From the Twilight Zone.

And I’m not Rod Serling or some strange dude sitting on the wing of an airplane. Jump into the Immortality Institute, jump off a sofa or easy chair and open mind. In 2005 Kurzweil published ‘The Singularity is Near’ where he writes that in the not too distant future, the human brain may be uploaded to a computer. Jumping around a bit more, there’s some buzz about lemons (citrus) not liking cancer. More cancer info( if no cancer, 150 looks better): Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists have successfully disrupted  function of a cancer gene involved in forming most human tumors by tampering with the gene’s “on” switch and growth, rather than targeting the gene itself. The results, from multiple myeloma cells, offer a hopeful strategy for treating not only myeloma but other cancer types driven by the gene MYC. But who decides who shall live?

On Wednesday night I went to a Long Branch business networking party to support ‘Kick Cancer Overboard.’ Got a chance to meet a bright, effusive, energetic young man running for Monmouth County,N.J. Freeholder (Bill Shea).


Monmouth County Freeholder Candidate Bill Shea and me.

I love youthful exuberance, idealism, sincerity and beginnings of a new promising political career. And I never look at red or blue just content of character. In a couple of months John Dean is coming to Rutgers University to talk. Here’s my John Dean dilemma story. In the waning months of my first marriage, in an attempt to save it, we took a few weeks off and hit three capes on vacation; Cod, May and Hatteras.

The summer of 1973: John Dean is testifying in the Watergate Hearings while we’re inCape Cod. Heavy rain all week so I stayed in the motel room glued, watching Dean’s power of total recall (telling Nixon “that there was a cancer growing on the presidency and that if the cancer was not removed the president himself would be killed by it.”) The mind of Dean fascinated me; so did Watergate; and so did Nixon telling America he wasn’t a crook. And my marriage was washing away as I absorbed John Dean and wife Maureen sitting right behind him (a show of support that I never got). My marriage ended when “the leaves that are green turn to brown” (from a great Simon and Garfunkel song) )see below for YouTube link to song)


All these years I’ve wanted to tell John Dean that he’s a hero of mine.  Ben Bradlee was my hero too; (‘All The President’s Men’) Editor of The Washington Post. I got to tell Bradlee my hero stuff a few years ago. When John Dean appears, the Rutgers Women’s Basketball team play Boston College at the same time. I don’t miss many Rutgers teams playing; a palpable dilemma. “We’ll see,” my mother used to say as a deflection.


John Dean testifying, I watched in Cape Cod for a week.


Ben Bradlee(former editor of Washington Post) my hero. and me.

Last night I went to a preview showing of the documentary “Rebirth,” at the Count Basie Theatre in Red Bank, N.J.

(For more information:

The film, wondrously directed by Jim Whitaker, documents the lives of five people impacted by the events of 9-11 from 2002 to 2009. It’ll be on Showtime. I was riveted and for a rarified time in the life, I hardly moved for the entire full feature length; my knees frozen imbedded into the soft fabric of a rare empty seat in front(my cuticles reddened). I just spoke to my son living in Brooklyn and suggested he come home for the 9-11 remembrance weekend. He said, “Dad, I have to live.” He’s right. I’m kind of blitzed right now; Somalia. 9-11. Think  now I need to pour a little borscht (that red beet Russian soup still popular in Europe).



Streams of consciousness move me. A reckless ostrich is in my garage, scratching on the kitchen door, wanting to come in from the cold. I hear Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor cracking jokes; they make me laugh. I need that. Laughter is the best medicine but it doesn’t take reality away. Strange: this morning while  playing doubles tennis in a local park, I heard bagpipes.  And it was hard to play after that. I missed a few balls,  staring at blue sky; the exact same sky  as a decade ago.  I always blog about sitting on my Belmar, N.J. jetty, watching ships head to Kilimanjaro. Now, suddenly, I wish all those ships were heading to Mogadishu, Somalia. I’ll  keep wishing that while rubbing more anesthetic balm on my wrists.




Richard Pryor. How he made me laugh. and laugh.


Contact Information:


Facebook: Cal Schwartz

Twitter:  Earthood

Book Trailer 65 seconds long


Leaves That Are Green (Simon and Garfunkel): You Tube



Immortality Institute (which represents advocacy and research for unlimited lifespan)

August 2011. Guest on Alicia Cramer Show (podcast) “Thin Healthy Happy” :

ARE you in search of another blog that is also outspoken, unique  BUT
unbridled which means uninhibited ????  Meet Linda Chorney:










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