Vichy Water – Author's Blog Just another WordPress weblog

April 7, 2010


Filed under: November 2009 — earthood @ 12:12 pm

              Wish there was a camera around (never when you need) to film my facial expression (while whispering words from the days of the Parthenon construction, “what will they think of next?”) when I saw this magazine ad for a (corn)chip that had a geometric design so that it could circumvent the curvaceous anatomy of the bottom of a jar of creamy dip, insuring that every last gram of fat(which used to be impenetrably stuck on the jar bottom) can now be fastidiously added to your brief palate experience. The obvious: the epidemic of obesity in America. Now there’s a chip to help remove all the clinging (Klingon, if you’re a Star trek fan) tasty fat. I think maybe that ad heralded a personal internal cerebral movement. I ran down to my moldy, damp, dank basement looking for an hour glass and crystal ball stored in an old wooden yellow Coca Cola soda case (which is probably worth something. The bottles were heavy thick glass in those days and needed plentiful wood support) I blew the dust off the crystal ball (how fast dust accumulates) and studied it.

            We’re on this societal whip (an amusement park ride). Everything is accelerating. How fast and easy we ingest fat and get information. Gosh how I love Twitter and Facebook and Google. The crystal ball showed one year colleges in fifty years; why bother with four when you have so much input and access. I exercise almost 90 minutes a day (every day). For the generation coming up (and the one after); there was still too much dust on the ball. But not in a year have I seen my 24 year old son exercise but bless all the input not quite 24/7 but up there.

            Back to the chip. Whilst our food scientists (and there are those real species. I pass by the Nabisco food science building at Rutgers all the time) develop geometry and artificiality; I worry about my Tuna obsession. There are 25,000 Blue Fin Tuna left in the Atlantic. Quietly the United States a few weeks ago entered into a treaty with some European nations to curtail fishing. Bring on those geometric chips. Maybe even design them to look like Tuna. Make some old folks forget about the real problems of overfishing our waters. But I do know that about half our fish come from ‘farms’ and I also know that between 71 and 100% of male small mouth bass fish in our fresh lakes now have eggs. Back in the days when Eisenhower was President, didn’t they call that hermaphroditic?  I know that it’s Earth Day on April 22nd and each year I thank Senator Gaylord Nelson for his vision. I cared about it in 1970 and I still do, trying to keep my crystal ball dust free and functional so I can hand it down.

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