Vichy Water – Author's Blog Just another WordPress weblog

May 22, 2011

The Late Great End of the World. Future Grandchild: an Oil Co. Exec? Scared of Cell (sell) Phones, I Started Wearing Pajamas (“someone is going have to answer for Sonny C.”) Bad men. Bad Sugar. A Medicare Election. May 22, 2011

Filed under: November 2009 — Tags: , , , , — earthood @ 6:59 pm

it’s 5:36pm on may 21, 2011 as i start to write this blog. 24 minutes until the end of the world. i’ve decided to take literary style liberties; why bother with capitals and proper form; after all, i probably should pursue economy of effort, so i can finish and submit this blog to the cosmic gatherers of epitaphs. content wise, i’d like to throw out a sampling of latest observed absurdities which include a few political jabs; couldn’t resist. well, its 6:02 pm; i get to play a few more sets of doubles tennis tomorrow morning. my take on all this end of


Hugely endangered species.

world stuff; why would divine intervention even bother to waste time?  we earthlings are doing such a thorough job of deleterious things on our own; case in point, by the end of the century we would’ve helped to make extinct fully half of all earth’s animal species; no further comment.

Medicare my son just walked into my office with his second beer. he quoted, ‘bluto’ from ‘animal house,’ “my advice to you is to start drinking heavily.” “knowledge is good,” is what the bottom of the statue proclaimed in the beginning of ‘animal house.’ i know it is. i live by those words.

this year at the cannes film festival there are four female directors among the 20 nominees for the best picture( that’s a record. last year there were no women for top prize) i loved when newt gingrich called paul ryan’s medicare budget “radical.” so much for his candidacy. oh, newt’s announcement of declaring for the presidency got 149,000 hits on youtube. my aunt edith’s recipe for sweet potato yams with marshmallow got 249,000 hits. republicans did not like newt’s comments on ryan’s budget just like mother nature didn’t like margarine commercials hinting that margarine tastes like butter. newt’s second ex-wife said there is no way he can win. i’ve been incensed about ryan’s budget which wipes out medicare; you can go back and read some of my latest past blogs. on tuesday may 24, 2011, new york’s 26th congressional district is holding a special election( upstate) which has been solidly republican since before george washington. all eyes are focused. ryan’s medicare budget is a major issue and if it’s a close race, republicans nationwide will be masticating a lot of tums for the tummy. here’s a link to a rather brutal 1:22 second tv commercial that’s running there, called the ‘agenda project, america the beautiful.’

controversial ‘America the Beautiful’ political commercial (Medicare)


Newt Gingrich.

reminder; i have no political party affiliation; never did, even when lyndon johnson wanted to draft me and richard nixon wrote a ‘personal’ letter congratulating me on being named to outstanding young men of america in 1973. i loved watching the face of donald trump absorbing the endless barrage of verbal jabs from seth meyers from saturday night live and president obama at the 2011 white house correspondent’s dinner. imagine, the donald never cracked a smile which solidified my resolve and earlier blog that donald would never run for president. you’ve got to be able to laugh at yourself on the way up because one day you’ll be on the way down. ed norton said just that to ralph kramden from tv’s ‘the honeymooners’ about working in the sewers of new york city. here’s a youtube excerpt of president obama slamming donald trump at the correspondent’s dinner. i still haven’t seen donald smile since: (note: this is my blog. i do not have to call donald, mr. trump. i met donald once at a party for cindy adams, the gossip columnist. long story)  VIDEO:

President Obama slamming Donald Trump at Correspondent’s dinner

with trump and perhaps newt out of the race, perhaps watch the candidacy of jon huntsman, former republican governor of utah, who acknowledges global warming, was ambassador to china in obama’s administration and could be one of the the most formidable republican presidential candidates. “well,”  i think i sound like samantha stevens from ‘bewitched’ now. and maybe it’s time to go back to the other writing style. the world is alive and well. my son just stopped drinking the second bottle of mexican corona beer.


my son's end of the world bottle of beer

i love their commercials showing footballs bouncing in front of two bikini clad women drinking beer from a bucket filled with bottles of corona. point being; duh, i can’t remember. and there was no hole in the bucket.

Back a few years ago, did the U.S. Department of Labor give millions of dollars to a joint venture that included a Yemeni charity with extensive links to Al Qaeda?  The stuff you find on the internet. Sometimes I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning. Hey, kids spend nine hours a day on media; so I think it’s time to admit, that with all that input, today’s kids are perhaps smarter than my generation. Growing up, I had a branch library in Newark with a few thousand books and two working encyclopedias (do kids today know what that is?), a television with seven black and white channels and two delivered Jersey newspapers(one is left). My mother sent me for a tub of butter and a white bread once a week; both items now virtually extinct in my house although drive-thru $1.00 chicken nuggets has achieved iconic status homeward bound. Some dude just ate his 25,000th Big Mac and produced cholesterol reports around 150 to 170. With a calculator in hand, I computed that my son will have a shot at 8000 chicken nuggets in a few more years; he wasn’t amused and didn’t care. And a simple cell phone today is more powerful than those NASA computers that put a man on the real moon.


chicken nuggets. invented 1950's 400 calories and 650mg sodium(poison)

John Demajanjuk, a 91 year old former Nazi concentration camp guard is finally going to jail. And there are strange reports coming out of Venezuela, that Iran will be putting missiles into that country. A little Cuba deja-vu? At the height of Cuban missile crisis, we did atomic bomb drills in high school by hiding under our desks(another end of the world gone by, but that was awful close)  The U.S. State Department said last Saturday that it reviews all information pertaining to Iranian military involvement in the hemisphere, but that it could not vouch for the report.


duh. a gas pump and profit chart.

Perhaps a good segue to oil. 74% of all Americans are in favor of eliminating oil tax credits. No tears here. A recurring dream I experience since 1973, is that the American government finally nationalizes the oil companies, citing security and national emergency concerns. Can you imagine? I do every fourth night. Meanwhile, between 2001 and 2010, the main oil companies made $ 309 billion in profit. And they ‘own’ our Senators especially (recent Senate vote) Ah, the profession for my yet un-born grandchild is to become a CEO of an oil company, way down in the future, wielding all that power and money, to be able to afford the price tag of trans-humanism, medical and technology advancements which will allow rich and powerful to live to 150 or forever; not poor middle class people who’ll wear white togas and wait in endless lines for a glass of orange juice, a few crackers or perhaps some ‘Soylent Green’ and probably be asked to die right after they turn thirty. (‘Logan’s Run’/ the movie?)


a future citizen in the year 2050 without his orange juice. TOGA!

I’m confused. The price of oil is so high when seemingly we have more supply and less demand; not one car has left my suburban Jersey street all day. But 30 to 40% of the price of oil is determined by speculation. Who the hell are these speculators; Bernie Madoff relatives?  I don’t know. We all know oil companies make a lot of money, pay hardly any taxes and get rebates. One of the saddest sounds I know is a train whistle fading away. I just heard a freight train, going so fast and curiously it wasn’t carrying any commercial cargo; strange shrill sounds emanated.

I want to live to 150 and still be playing tennis but you all should know that if you’ve been reading my blogs all these months. I’d like you all to live long with me. Recent blogs, I’ve panned the nuclear power plant industry; it’s a dangerous energy and I’ve got this aversion to being irradiated.


Resveratrol. this is not a commercial. go google it.

However, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have concluded that drinking red wine (contains resveratrol) can help prevent death from radiation. Forgetting to drink a glass of red wine every night, I take resveratrol 300 mg capsules. Some stand-up comic scientist hinted at needing to drink 600 bottles of red wine a day to get maximum effect; he used to work for an oil company.

Robert Lustig gave a lecture in 2009 on Youtube called “Sugar, the Bitter Truth.”

Here’s a link to the lecture which has over 1.3 million hits.

Robert Lustig. “Sugar the Bitter Truth”

He persuasively makes the case that sugar is a “toxin” or a “poison.” And by “sugar,” Lustig means not only the white powdery stuff that we put in coffee and cereal but also high-fructose corn syrup, which has already become, without his help what he calls “the most demonized additive known to man.” Enough said. Go check it out.


one of my favorite, favorite, graphics. priceless.

What’s the deal with my wearing pajamas because of cell (sell) phones? I’ve blogged about this subject before but everywhere I turn lately, like looking for the Susquehanna Hat Company, I see more evidence just how bad cell phones are. Pajamas are for emphasis; a desperate soul searching for Catherine Earnshaw of ‘Wuthering Heights’ and a castle at Penistone Crag. Ready for Walley World, a vacation, and a roller coaster ride?

One recent cell phone study had no conclusive evidence but on the second page, buried, was a scary fact; instances of glioma rates, a brain tumor have doubled. And there are no studies at all involving children whose brain is not as protected and developed. Radiation penetrates deeper in children’s brains. Some mothers stick musical cell devices under a baby’s pillow to help them sleep. I think you have to add cell phones to cigarettes and leaded gasoline danger lists. Cell phones are non-ionizing radiation; like food in a microwave and our blessed FCC says there are no risks. Thalidomide was a safe tranquilizer drug to take by pregnant women in the 1950’s (but caused terrible birth deformities); tobacco/cigarettes were advertised on television and asbestos was supposed to be a safe wonderful insulating substance. In a preliminary study, the NIH (National Institutes of Health) did say cell phones increase brain activity. Duh! Forty years after Hiroshima, they are seeing increases in cancer from those exposed. Not funny. But there are billions times more radiofrequency waves around since earth was banged (big bang). But the good old FCC is so sure cell phones are safe and they won’t be interviewed. Cell phone company heads are also sure phones are safe. Thing is, where will the FCC and cell phone company heads be in forty years just in case they have to answer for ‘Sonny Corleone.’  Is a global epidemic coming? Get yourselves a head set.

Oh Arnold, Arnold, Arnold and Strauss-Kahn and all this sex scandal stuff. To be a fellow man sometimes? Imagine, for Strauss-Kahn, the power/prestige of becoming the socialist President of France is probably out of his realm no matter what. Imagine, Republicans back when they wanted Arnold to run for President and entertained thoughts of a constitutional amendment allowing a foreign born Austrian to run for the highest office in the land.


arnold s. as mr olympia.

On the way, Arnold became California governor. Funny thing on the way to the forum; people sometimes get what they deserve so all voting should become this intense careful introspective exercise not a two second impulsive lever pull. I suspect if there wasn’t any recall vote of then Governor Gray Davis, California’s deficit would be half of what it is today ($28 billion) When Arnold was winning Mr. Olympia body building contests for seven years in a row in the 1970’s and 1980’s, I ‘assume’ anabolic steroids and testosterone were used. Perhaps some of that nasty stuff hung around in his aging body until ten years ago causing unrelenting urges or perhaps power and money does corrupt and seduce the soul with notions of invincibility. I wouldn’t know.

This has been a trying week; no, a trying year; no, a trying generational crossing. On several occasions, I apologized to my twenty-five year old son for messing up the world for him, environmentally, socially, culturally. Chicken nuggets were invented by my generation. My generation produced religious fanatics that preached the world was going to end today. Big shot I am, but I’ve got a blog confession to make. Who’ll hear me? But that last half-hour before 6 PM, I was a bit nervous. When a big truck rumbled down the cross street outside my office, and I felt quake like reverberations, there was a brief sick feeling, what if?  We all have a lot of things to do and miles to go before we sleep. So in the final analytical review, I wasn’t worried about the end. I re-gripped my tennis racket at 5:30 PM and formulated a question for someone out there. You can’t yell ‘fire’ in a theatre but why can you yell ‘end of world’ all over Times Square. Hey, we’re still here so forget the question.



Facebook: Cal Schwartz

Twitter: Earthood


‘Vichy Water’ Book Trailer 65 seconds link Medicare

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